
  • Well here we go again another expansion of Government, Which will only increase in expense and incompetence, This has NOTHING to do with  Enviormental Justice it has everything to do with POWER and CONTROL. At some point we have to wake up and decide that Enough is Enough, our Federal Government is way too large already, We dont need more Government we need competent and res;ponsible sensible leadership, Government needs to be downsized not expanded.,remember the words of President REAGAN," IM FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND IM HERE TO HELP YOU." There is no doubt why nothing is getting accomplished in our country anymore our Government is way too large and our regulations so expansive and cumbersome that its almost impossible to accomplish anything and adding more agencies and regulations is not going to solve the problems we are facing.. Why do we need another agency added to an already bloated government? I thought the EPA and the Federal Government were supposed be the regulatory authority that maintained control over industrial accidents and industrial violations and ensure those damaged by incompetent or irresponsible behavior were compensated? It all keeps going back to the same thing, The more Government we have the less freedom we have, Its all being done by design and on purpose.Our citizens and communities that have been hurt by recent accidents most surely MUST BE COMPENSATED FOR THE DAMAGE THEY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO, BUT WE DONT NEED AN EXPANSION OF OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO ACHIEVE THAT

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