"We keep hearing the drumbeat of 'where is the evidence?' Right here, Sean.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) November 11, 2020
234 pages of sworn affidavits. These are real people, real allegations, signed with notarys that are alleging the following..."@KayleighMcEnany discusses evidence of voter fraud with @SeanHannity. pic.twitter.com/ZFqRre7Src
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Pres. Trump needs to inform the MSM that the 1st Amendment doesn't protect them from willful Election Fraud and criminal conspiracy to commit sedition or insurrection. That felony crime by the MSM and its outlets are not protected speech. He then needs to direct the DOJ and FBI to begin criminal investigations of the MSM and their collusion with criminal conduct to STEAL the election. Serious charges need to be coming and not 10years or 10months from now... the open in our face criminal conduct is screaming for arrests and indictments.
The only way to truly fight crime is to go after criminal behavior tooth and nail, relentlessly, using every resource available. Declare War on Crime, total and absolute. Laws are made to function as guardrails on a bridge. Remove them and security vanishes. Confidence and hope is replaced by disgust, and then despair. The Nation declines and soon falls apart.
People cannot allow a criminal to lead them. People cannot allow a criminal to have power over them. We have laws to prevent this. But the laws preventing this from occurring must be enforced. A kid in kindergarten can understand this. It is the so-called adults in the room that will not grasp it.
People want security above everything else. The only way that the Constitution was ratified was by the promise that a Bill of Rights would be added quickly, upon ratification. Security. For the people. Guardrails on the bridge. They must never be removed.
The democrat criminal party, with Biden/Harris assuming the executive by fraud, even though both are frauds themselves and everyone knows it, including the DOJ and AG Barr, the FBI, the CIA, and a host of those in Government, is purposed to jackhammer away the very rights of the people that were granted enabeling the Constitution to be ratified in the first place.
This is not a matter of public opinion. This is not politics as the political process was meant to be. This is blatant disregard for Law and Order. This is crime let loose, unrestricted, unconfronted, and uncondemned.
We are at War whether we like it or not, whether we realize it or not. If we sit back and let this fraud take the presidency, then our future is both certain, and short.
What can we do? Let all mentioned above, including President Trump, know that we will not accept this lawlessness anymore. The system is broken and damn well better be fixed pronto. Failure to do so immediately is not an option. The Nation is at stake. President Trump. We elected you for your promises. For your word. We stand with you. Now, break the back of Biden and company. Let us see some real justice for a change.
That will go a long way in Making America Great.