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  • This shows kemp is nothinh but a deep state puppet, a devildemocpommiecrat with an R nehind his name, just like mcconnell, mccarthy, and their lemmingd in the gop establish,ent!!!!  fanny the ASS willis is a corrupt partisan hack that hates America and only care about personal wealth, fame, and power!!!!!!!!!!

  • According to radio personality, Erick Erickson, a special session will not get the job done; there are not enough members of that legislative body who would vote in favor.  Erickson broadcasts out of Atlanta, is a conservative and refers to himself as a "political junkie".

  • Does anyone still believe this will not end in violence. 

  • Main problem is Kemp is a Rino Republican, has to sniff the wind before he says or does anything. To me amnesty requires an admission of guilt. If you did nothing wrong other than ask questions. I don't know. 

    • joe, more like sniffs soros' butt fitst!!!!!!!!!!


    • True

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    • Arnold, correct, now nothing more than a Soviet style dog and pony show to give the false illusion that an election took place!!!!!  The saddest part is that the hop establishment, including the rmc id part of it!!!!!  We no longer have a 2 party system!!!!!!!!!!


    • Bob... so true. 

      Trials in the old USSR were stagged confessionals, used to give the people the illusion of justice...

      Trials in the USSR were nothing more than coerced, choreographed CONFESSIONALS.  Soviet justice was similar to America's PLEA BARGAINING practices used to extract guilty pleas from individuals without the resources to defend themselves... many of them being innocent. 

      America's judicial system is dead, dead, dead... and so is its electoral system.

  •  Today I heard a Christian prophet of God say God had shown him that in the near future there will be lots of politicians and government leaders commit suicide as they realize how serious and bad their acts have been.  Referring to taking money to do illegal acts of harm to others and to harm to our country.  He was referring to ALL the govt leaders, elected and non-elected, from top posItions to the lower positions.  

    • That may have already started; there were at least 3 Capital Police Officers who committed suicide, within days, after the J6 riot. I think it was Tucker Carlson who did the research and report on that.

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