THAT'S DISCRIMINATION OLD CHAP - Smokin' Dog | Meme Generator

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced Monday that his administration will work to end health care problems within the black community, aiming to provide coverage to “100 percent” of the state’s African American population.

In his address Monday, Beshear stated that he believes “health care is a basic human right.” While he specifically focused on black residents in the state, he also said he would like to improve health care in the state for “everybody.”

“My commitment today is we are going to begin an effort to cover 100 percent of our individuals in our black and African-American communities—everybody,” Beshear said. “We’re going to be putting dollars behind it, we’re going to have a multi-faceted campaign to do it. But it’s time, especially during COVID-19, when we see what happens when you don’t have coverage. We need to make sure everybody does.”

Beshear continued, saying it was time to give health care “prioritization” to the black American community:

Today, I’m going to make a commitment on coverage. I believe that health care is a basic human right and I talked about when I was running that I wanted everybody to have some form of health care coverage. Well, as I’ve been listening and as I’ve been trying to hear from those who have been giving voice on in inequality, it is that it’s time to give prioritization in black and African-American communities, so we are going to do that.

Beshear said the coronavirus exposed the inequalities in health care among black and white residents in the United States as African Americans died at a much higher rate than white people.

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  • This is just another attack on White America. I am so glad that Trump is in the White House. He will soon take total control of the country to make it really great again, and he will reverse these shenanigans in the great state of Kentucky. Thank the Lord we have an ally in our White House!

  • Great how to creat victims.  I am sorry but this is racist in reverse.  BLACKS are not some protected group.  My God time to make sure BLM does not keep making us pay for God knows what like their entire life geez.

  • Maybe they are more obese and unhealthy. I doubt it if makes for a healthy body when the mind and spirit are sick, full of lies, false idol of race, spirit of victimhood, apathy and who knows what else.

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