
  • Move schiff to a gallows!!!!!!!!!!

  • Wouldn't that be nice....but nothing ever happens to him....he is related to Soros 

  • Nothing is ever going to change in our nation until the American people decide to wake up and make it VERY CLEAR that we have had enough of the LIES,DECEIT, and CORRUPTION in our Government, Its up to the voters to decide when they have had enough, Chances are very good that SHIFTY will be reelected by the voters in  California, The beautiful state of California has been destroyed by LIBERAL,SOCIALIST,COMMUNIST POLITICIANS and the voters keep electing and reelecting them to office and until they wake up nothing will change. If we want change its up to WE THE PEOPLE to make the changes Politicians are not going to change, WHY SHOULD THEY WE KEEP PUTIING THEM IN OFFICE.

  • Remove them all from the face of the earth

  • The sooer they get rid of old bugeyes, the better.

  • Do it - of course the IDIOTS in CA wil only re-elect him.

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