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  • Republicans get some balls would you please?

  • But.......Bang Bang Fang Fang TRAITOR!!!

  • It is too bad we can't get rid of every Democrat in the Congress!  We have a California Senator who had a driver that was a Chinese spy (hmm I wonder if she was his handler); we have a California Representative who has slept with a Chinese spy.  Apparently the people in charge don't think this is anything to be concerned about. Are they in bed with the CCP also?

  • I bailed on the democrats when Ronald Reagan was President--I guess you could call me a "Reagan Democrat."  I strongly support Donald Trump [note present tense] but am disappointred with the RINOs in Congress.  I was a financial contribnutor to Republican candidates, but no more.  Except for Trump, I don't know who to trust anymore.  the RINOS, and the democrats who support them have destroyed the credibility of the Republican Congress..

  • HEY MC CARTHY, what took you so long?!?

  • Why not just send our intelligence directly to Fang Fang ands skip the middle moron?

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