
President Trump has given us 200 more reasons to keep him in the White House for four more years — and 200 more reasons to make sure that we keep Joe Biden out.

Four years ago, some in the conservative legal movement were considering withholding support from then-candidate Donald Trump based on an unfounded theory that he would appoint liberal friends and family from New York City to the federal bench.

In response, Trump released a list of unimpeachable constitutional originalists from which he promised to select Justice Antonin Scalia’s successor. The list restored the confidence of conservative lawyers such as myself, assuring us that a potential Trump administration would be guided by solid principles.

That experience set the tone for what has proven to be the most fruitful judicial appointment strategy since the Reagan Revolution of the 1980s — and possibly ever.

As of Wednesday, 200 federal judges — over one-fifth of the federal judiciary — have been appointed by President Donald J. Trump and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. At this rate, the president is on track to easily outstrip Barack Obama’s eight-year total of 329 justices confirmed and even Ronald Reagan’s all-time record of 383 judicial confirmations.

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