
As the Trump White House this week announced a major deal to pivot photo giant Kodak toward pharmaceutical manufacturing, it made clear this was just the first step in a broader plan to break Chinese dominance of supply chain in manufacturing.

With a focus first on healthcare manufacturing, the White House brokered a $765 million loan to Kodak after noticing 90% of the main ingredients of the most common pharmaceuticals taken each day in the United States are manufactured abroad.

Adam Boehler, CEO of U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, is a lead administration official on the Kodak deal, and said the White House plans to move beyond drugs toward other medical supply areas vulnerably exposed during the coronavirus pandemic.

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  • Just think how many more things can be accomplished if we reelect President Trump! TRUMP 2020

    • I know. Trump has done an amazing job after we all experienced the chaos, riots, and fiscal disarray under obummer. Every American can see how much better the USA has become during the Trump years, which is why Trump will win with a landslide in November no matter what the fake news or fake polls try to tell us.

  • Good news

  • That's how it is done. The federal government facilitates business for American companies and is intimately involved in business. Thank you, President Trump!


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