Kyrsten Sinema Shows Nancy Pelosi Who's Boss


Today, Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) let it be known that she wasn’t going to play Nancy Pelosi’s game of trying to include a $15 an hour minimum wage in a COVID package that Democrats are attempting to pass via the reconciliation process (i.e. it would only require the 50 Democrat votes + Kamala Harris to break the tie). Pelosi had just recently said that it would be included.

Sinema, ever the rebel in her own caucus gave that idea a big thumbs down.

Oddly enough, I think I trust Sinema to keep her word on this more than I do Joe Manchin, the moderate Democrat from West Virginia who typically plays the role of swing vote. Since her election to the Senate, Sinema has tried to fashion herself a Maverick, spurning her own party on everything from Trump judges to tax cuts.

Of course, politics aside, Sinema is right on the merits here. A minimum wage hike is absolutely not a budget issue.</p

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