Large Groups of Illegal Immigrants From China, Jordan and Turkey Caught at Border
Fox News: Over 3,500 Chinese nationals were encountered crossing the southern border illegally in May, along with hundreds of Jordanian, Turkish and Mauritanian nationals, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) source. The vast majority (98%) were encountered in the San Diego Sector, which has emerged as a top border-crossing point, even as numbers across the border have decreased in recent months. While the Tucson Sector in Arizona saw the most encounters, with over 33,000 illegal encounters, San Diego was a close second with over 32,000.The number of Chinese nationals has increased enormously since 2021. There were 1,970 encounters in FY 2022 and over 24,000 in FY 2023, and so far there have been over 24,200 encounters so far this fiscal year (Fox News). Bill Melugin: I’m told approximately 118,000 illegal aliens were apprehended by Border Patrol at the southern border during the month of May, 6,300+ of which were “special interest aliens” coming from countries with potential national security concerns (X).

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  • We will so regret not paying enough attention to this invasion. 

  • China is building an army inside the USA......with Biden's help

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