
  • The Chinese government is our mortal enemy. Since "President" Joe Biden has given and continues to give 'aid and comfort to that enemy' for personal profit, he is guilty of Treason against the United States of America. The Mexican cartels are also enemies of the United States of America and by leaving the border with Mexico open "President" Joe Biden is thusly giving 'aid and comfort' to that enemy, to wit, he is guilty of Treason against the United States of America.

    'Vice President' Kamala Harris has been assigned to care for the United States' border with Mexico including its openness. By accepting that assignment, she is complicitly guilty of Treason against the United States of America.

    Firing squad PLEASE!!!

  • Joe Biden ... Idiot-in-Chief!

    • not only he is an idiot, he is a Demon possess guy.


  • Joe Biden is a Demon possession guy in the white house.

  • biden is mentally deficient, morally corrupt, and merely a puppet being manipulated by satanic communist handlers!!!!!!!!!!

  • Joe Biden intends medical vaccine ID Jim Crow laws.

    Just wait for the UNVACCINATED WAITING ROOMS. Jim Crow Laws - Legends of America

                               You call it home.

  • There is no truth in Biden. Joe Biden is the real racist. He hates Americans and God. He has done nothing positive in his entire life for this country or the Lord God. He needs to go and retire somewhere and leave us at peace.

  • That is downright insulting for Biden to compare voting in GA to Jim Crow era..!

  • How very sad that Joe Biden, the president of the USA would present his arguement that Black-Americans are too stupid to use the internet; that they are unable to find their voter registration location; that they can't figure out how to get a picture ID; that they can't figure out how to vote during the time polls are open; that they can't figure out how to get to the polls...It really makes me mad that he has been a supporter of the KKK (which was formed by democrats in 1885) and that Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrdand , and that Biden implies that only White-Americans know how to do these simple things that ALL Americans can, and do accomplish, all the time.

    • Don't waste your time ... Joe Biden is an imbecile.

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