Las Vegas Knifeman who Killed Two is an Illegal Alien

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A man accused of stabbing to death two people - including a Las Vegas showgirl and a 47-year-old man - as well as injuring several others, is an illegal immigrant with a criminal record, it has been claimed. 

The harrowing mass stabbing on the Las Vegas strip was laid bare in a police arrest report released on Friday.

Yoni Christian Barrios, 32, who is charged with murdering two and attempting to kill six more on Thursday, told detectives that he is a Guatemalan immigrant and that he stabbed eight people so he could 'let the anger out.'

Fox News says Barrios was in the US illegally at the time, and that he had a criminal record in California for unknown offenses. He was not known to ICE prior to the stabbing, the outlet added.  

Maris Mareen Digiovanni, 30, and Brent Allan Hallett, 47, both died after being stabbed in the attack that happened in broad daylight.

On Friday, a co-worker of showgirl Digiovanni also revealed that she bled out in a co-worker's arms after being fatally-knifed.  

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  • part of the plan to destroy America and impose tyranny on those still alive after the purge of decent people has been completed!!!!!!!!!!

  • All I can fasceiously say is thankyou TRAITOR JOE and TRAITOR MAYORKAS!  This man should never have been in the country let alone out on the streets.

  • An illegal immigrant, welcomed in by an illegal president, kills two and tries to make it eight because he is pissed off.  He must have missed his free guvment handout.

  • In recent months, the illegal alien is arriving at the border to find no work, and being unskilled they depend on the charity of others.  When the charity waines or runs out violence and criminal conduct often follow.  Anger finds a home in these ready-made dissidents.  Anger, that leads to deadly VENTING.

    America is facing an escalating cycle of violence and hopelessness... as hundreds of thousands of new Biden illegals arrive only to find the welcome mat is the underside of an overpass... and the bare earth or cold concrete. The inevitable destination is starvation or violent misappropriation of another's property and wealth.

    America is headed for monumental chaos... if it doesn't secure its borders and remove the indigent illegal alien from the underpass of neglect and hopelessness... NOW!  Marxist know how to incite riot and revolution and they are bringing it to America with wave after wave of the displaced... the homeless and suffering hordes of illegal aliens.

    The left is importing REVOLUTION... can't get it from the disaffected in America... then import it from Nicaragua, Columbia, Venezuela, Cuba, and Haiti the starving pawns of revolution. Can't find enough soldiers of chaos in the streets of Portland, Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia, or Baltimore... open the doors to third-world indigents... the ready-made revolutionary... bring them to the US ... and release them on the streets of our inner cities ... stand back and watch the flames of rage consume our heritage.

    We MUST get rid of our current leadership they are TRASHING AMERICA and destroying any reasonable chance to make her great again.

    • Ron, correct and devildemocommiecrats are stoking the hatred against Christian conservatives so evil people will do the bidding of the satanists that control the government, the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists, the big tech oligarchs, hollywierd, over-paid, over rated athletes, and gop establishment hacks who are complicit in the destruction of our nation so they can have personal wealth and power over everyone and everything!!!!!!!!!!


  • The media and the socialist will blame Americans because they come from a country that the government doesn't give a dam about their citizens 

    • Lorenzo, the government of America doesn't give a damn about We the People, we are merely serfs to be ruled over with an iron fist!!!!!!!!!!


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