
  • Home rule in DC needs to be revoked... place the DC Police and justice system under the direct supervision of Congress and then have them investigate the corruption in our Government agencies and Departments operating in DC.  Congress has the Jurisdictional authority to govern DC including law enforcement... use it to arrest and lock up those members of the government violating the law...

    If Congress refuses to restore Constitutional Government... we must petition the States to recall the entire government by exercising their authority to Amend the Constitution and to bring the federal government to heel... The Constitution contains the means to return Constitutional Government to the Republic...

    The question becomes:  DO WE HAVE THE WILL NECESSARY TO REFORM THE GOVERNMENT?  Congress, the Administration, and now it appear the States are UNWILLING TO EXERCISE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL POWER to reform the government. 

  • "Violence". Actually criticism of the FBI has been provoked by the FBI  itself and those traitorous individuals within it, like Strzok himself.  The Patriots aware of this are not as apt to commit violence against the government, as they to vent their wrath against that agency alone.

    • The evidence linking the FBI as provocateurs of violence in the J6 demonstrations, Antifa's summer of violence, and BLM's calls for violence against the police, demands some serious House Cleaning in the DOJ and FBI.  There is strong evidence that the FBI has planted its informants and agent provocateurs in many of the troubled areas to provoke violence...not to stop it.

    • Fully agree.

  • The eh-whole, strzok, is a big part of THE problem with people's opinion of the FBI.  He believes he's THE authority on everything "government" and their power.  He should be one of the first to line up in front of the firing squad.

  • Strozk... should be in prison for sedition and insurrection... Why are he and his allies in the FBI/DOJ free and the J6 Patriots still in prison? 

    Why is the DOJ threatening the arrest of more Patriots for the J6 events, while ignoring the Antifa and BLM thuggery and seditious conduct nationwide? 

    Why is the GOP silent on the seditious conduct by... the Democrat Party, DNC, DOJ, DHS, CIA, NSA, and FBI  as they ignore the internal acts of insurrection and sedition by Antifa and BLM. 

    Why has the GOP failed to compile articles of Impeachment for the President and several dozen members of his cabinet .. citing acts of possible treason, sedition, and or insurrection as part of the articles?  Even if we don't have the vote in the US Senate Articles of Impeachment serve to put the nation on notice as to the horrible betrayal taking place in government. The Nation is being invaded using the cover of illegal mass migration. 

    Our Southern and Northern borders are penetrated and infiltrated daily by known terrorists and thousands of unaccompanied military-age males...  They are not fleeing oppressive governments they are invading our nation with the intent to destroy our government... too, raid our treasury, and subvert our economy for their own use.

    Why are Congress and the Administration aiding and abetting... the various acts of aggression and war perpetrated on us by our southern neighbors,  China, Iran, N. Korea, and others?

    It is past time that the Elephant in the Nation's living room is exposed... Time for the GOP to address the MANY acts of Sedition and apparent treason being carried out by members of the government in both political parties.  Time for the members of Congress and our STATE GOVERNMENTS to question the loyalty of those in government 

    Any alleged targeting of the members of government results from serious questions regarding their loyalty to the people and the US Constitution.  Whenever a rogue state like China is allowed to sail a SPY BALLON across our nation and some of its most sensitive military installations it is time past time we ask some very serious questions of our leadership.  Is America being deliberately dismantled as part of its TRANSFORMATION and absorption into the New World Order... a one-world government and economy?

  • It is not a PERCEPTION. We have seen what they did and our doing. We finally know who they are. I am sure there are a few good ones but not many. We have the same contempt for the FDA, CDC, IRS etc etc etc. As far as the MEDIA goes the only ones watching these incompetants are the DEMS. Can't wait for the so called covid lawsuits.

  • There is a big difference between engaging in acts of violence and vocalizing the disappointment and anger they feel over Government abuses of its power... the expanding use of unconstitutional means to manage the narrative and public perception regarding fundamental change is bubbling up in the speech of the common man... they don't like being urinated ON and told it is raining.

    The majority of the public is not interested in FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE... we like our Constitution and Republican form of government.  Socialism, Communism, and the immoral lifestyles being FORCED upon our children must end or the breach between the people and their government will only grow.







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