
  • I don't think they will ever make our elections safe until we go back to paper ballots

  • Oh, Hell, somebody needs to go to jail!!!  No I take that back, alot of people need to go to jail!!!  Jea9 you hit the nail on the head. I can put up with a lot of B.S. but this is WAY over the line!!! 

  • Does not each state SOS have in their office, The Dominion User Manual?  I remember an early account of someone in TX stating the User Manual STATES that it allows fractional voting.

    Should we not be writing our SOS in each state and demanding to know if the thing actually states that? If it DOES, then each SOS is guilty of high treason, among other charges. Punishable by death.

    • Maybe someone in here with a good legal mind could write the letter and publish it for all of us to send out and send in.

    • Any takers on writing that letter????

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