
  • Archbishop Vigano, who is a hero in the Catholic religion, he speaks truth to lies, and is very aware of everything going on, says this pope is an Apostate.

    • The Archbishop calls Francis an apostate I call Francis a communist fraud.

  • This Poop is a Marxist.

  • POWER BROKERS----Does the pope think he can be one too? That is unfortunate


    • The Pope???? Why do all our presidents make a visit to the Vatican shortly after they are in office?????? We are a Christian country but not a Catholic country.

    • IMHO this pope IS the anti-Christ we have been expecting to appear for the last ten years at least; everything he espouses is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Church.  As for Nuland, she was one of fraudbama's more active and vocal cabinet members.  So just connect the dots.

    • I have Catholic friends who dislike this pope very much.

    • They are NOT alone, I was not born a "cradle Catholic" but became a convert in 1958, long before Vatican Council Ii; I remember the "old way" and have difficulty dealing with a lot of the new.  What I see and hear this pope doing and saying is NOT of God, nor of the Church.


    • HOPEFULLY THE CARDINALS of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH shall silence this Pope's OFFICIAL VOICE and they shall give thought to who might replace him.

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