7486652466?profile=RESIZE_710xIn a shocking display of inhumanity, left-wing psychopaths took to Twitter to toast to the passing of President Donald Trump's brother Robert Trump, but express their disappointment that the #WrongTrump died.

Another illiterate and insensitive leftist tweeted: "i got so excited just to realize it was the wrong trump. maybe we need to be more specific in our prayers." That tweet has since been deleted.



 In the mean time, #wrongTrump 'trends' on Twitter:






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  • I've come to the conclusion that the left have no souls.

  • Odd fofr an atheist to be praying in the first place. Communists are atheists

  • As if they would even know how to pray. Hope the worst for all of them and I do know how to pray. 

    • They pray to lucifer. They hate God and have worked dillegently to remove God from the public square, and we said nothing. We kept voting for people that did not have America's interests at heart.

      Americans need to turn back to GOD, as HE is about to shake our country again. 9/11 was just a warning, God uses our enemies to remind us WHO is really in charge of America's destiny, He is about to unleash America's enemies from within. Have you stopped to think why the left hates President Trump so much to the point they are evilly insane with hatred? Trump is gradually destroying the evil, they kn ow their time is short.

  • So many sick, evil people in this country now. so sad

  • there are some really sick puppies out there.

  • God made Donald Trump president and He'll do it again in November!!

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