
  • One has to ask, "What is so wrong with the SCOTUS that any congressperson would want to reduce or expand it"?  Surely a bartender from NYC, an Arab from MN, and a clown Black female from Chicago know absolutely nothing about the law, the court, or the constitution want to screw up the SCOTUS.  I think they might be under the impression that every SCOTUS justice must be appointed by a liberal, socialist, democrat president.  Sorry, but that is not how our Constitution reads or works.  If they would only read it they would understand it better.  We already have a justice that cannot explain what a woman is...  The democrats feel that if every case before the SCOTUS does not go their way, the court must change.  Sorry, but we don't have a banana republic yet. 

  • How about unpacking Congress by getting rid of the Anti-American people like the members of the Squad and leave the Supreme Court alone.  The Justices, except for 3 of them, have read and understood the Constitution.  More than can be said about any Liberal!

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