6653943676?profile=RESIZE_584xThe circular firing squad of progressivism has taken aim on one of its former darlings. Leftists loved the musical "Hamilton" when it hit Broadway in January 2015. Democratic leaders, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the Obama family, flocked to see Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical over the years. The musical is based on founding father Alexander Hamilton but with a modern twist and heavy influence of hip-hop.

Flash forward to 2020, and now the progressives say the founding fathers should solely be remembered for being slave owners, and all of their achievements have been nullified by many leftists. Some progressives not only declare that the founding fathers should no longer be admired, but they call for their statues to be ripped down. Now, there are people who want to cancel the "Hamilton" musical because it is based on the founding fathers. Many of the harsh critics are the same people who made the musical into a cultural leviathan.

"Hamilton" was trending on social media this weekend as the film-version made its debut on Disney Plus. There was also an undercurrent of leftists saying that "Hamilton" is "problematic."

"Are y'all ready to talk about how problematic Hamilton is? Lin Manuel Miranda created a piece of work that used hip hop (a genre created by black people) to tell the story of colonizers and slave owners," one Twitter user wrote.

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