And if Trump wins a second term—especially if that victory relies on another rural surge to overcome massive opposition across the big metros—the chaos in Portland might look like only the preliminary skirmish for an even more incendiary collision to come.
New offensives against major cities from President Donald Trump and GOP governors are pushing at the central geographic fault line between the Republican and Democratic coalitions.
On one front, Trump is taking his confrontational approach toward big cities to an ominous new level by deploying federal law-enforcement officials to Portland and potentially other locales over the objection of local officials.
On the other, Republican governors, especially but not exclusively across the Sun Belt, have repeatedly blocked mostly Democratic local leaders from locking down their communities, despite exploding caseloads in cities from Atlanta to Phoenix. These orders represent a new crest in a decade-long wave of actions by Republican state officials to preempt decisions made by local Democratic governments.
“We haven’t had issues that are so immediately pressing and so much involving public health and safety,” says Richard Briffault, a Columbia University law professor who has studied state preemption of municipal actions. While states moving to block cities from raising the minimum wage or declaring themselves an immigration sanctuary “are important issues … in the sense that these are pressing, in-the-moment decisions that are directly affecting the health and welfare of a lot of people, this is unique,” he told me.
In deploying federal forces, Trump appears to be trying to provoke clashes with protesters, which he can use to convince white suburban voters that he’s the last line of defense between them and the chaos allegedly incubating in cities, Rahm Emanuel, the former Chicago mayor, told me. Referring to the street battle between construction workers and anti-war protesters in Manhattan in 1970, Emanuel said, “Trump is trying to create his own hard-hat riot, and they are wearing [law-enforcement] helmets.”
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If you haven't you had better pick a side because the second civil war has been started So are we on the right are not participating.
It is essential that the President make it clear in no uncertain terms where he stands on law and order... his apparent unwillingness to take on the Pandemic and now insurrection promoters, is allowing them to stall the promotion of known effective treatment protocols, and to engage in widespread acts of domestic terrorism terrorizing the nation ... this is inexcusable... Fire the government employees engaged in what now appears to be deliberate mismanagement of the Pandemic. Arrest the rouge public and private leadership encouraging insurrection and domestic terrorism... those funding and organizing it. The COVID pandemic is clearly a tool of the deep state and insurrectionist... The timing of its appearance was not coincidental. It needs to be treated as such and dealt with thru criminal prosecutions of the leadership. The development of the COVID Virus needs to be thoroughly investigated and the questions surrounding the purpose of its development and how it was released determined and dealt with.
Mr. President addresses the nation ... declare a national emergency over the insurrection, internal insurgency, and pandemic take a page from Pres. LINCOLN... Use Presidential Warrants and hand-selected prosecutors who will deal effectively with the insurrection taking place in America. The DOJ, FBI, and Courts are basically unable to administer justice sufficiently to guarantee the safety or all our citizens. Many Local and State Governments are engaged in insurrection this must stop... and the only way to do that is to arrest and detain the leadership of these rogue states and organizations engaged in the insurrection.
All of the above and the growing physical assault upon our government is indicative of a rush to create an environment favorable to civil war. The President must change the environment by removing the source of social disorder and terrorism... Identify, isolate, and arrest the criminal elements behind both the Pandemic and Insurrection. It is time to realize the Pandemic was not an accident.... and it continues to be used to destroy our economy and ability to resist a civil war or those supporting such a calamity.. can you imagine a civil war and a massive resurgence of the pandemic?
The Ass Holes will start a Civlil war even if he losses..............PERIOD!!!..........And no,it's NOT both sides causing trouble like the Communist Democrats say!!!...........One is the attacker and one is the defender, Democrats have turned the world surreal and I frigging HATE THEIR GUTS FOR IT!!!....DEATH TO MAOIST POLITICAL CORRECTNESS,DEATH TO THE GOEBBELISTS AND ALL THEIR MINIONS!!!!......OR.......It's DEATH TO US!
The chaos is in the Democrat party, they want so badly to get rid of President Trump they are willing to get into bed with the likes of ANTIFA, BLMF, and other anarchists to over throw this administration. When one donates to the BLMF, which is not the BLM movement, but a full blown Marxist based terrorist group looking to take down the United States, that donation goes through ACTBLUE, it is then directed straight into the Democratic party coffers. Don't be fooled by these Democrat Governor's, Mayors and city counsels they are in full agreement with the rioters.
It was the leftists marxist, the democrat party went bye-bye in the 1970s when they let the hippies tell them what to do, they are now owned by china. It was their leader george soros that financed the creation of auntie-farts, bowel movements matter, along with barry's imported surprise army of thousands of syrians brought to the U.S. in the dark of night and strategically scattered around the country. Just be ready, they will soon show themselves, the snake will more than likely rear it's ugly head in Minnesota, michigan, illinois, california, nevada, colorado to start.
Revelation 12:12
The seeding of leftist groups who traditionally hold strong views of violence as a means to an end has been invited into our neighborhoods primarily by Democrat leadership and insurrectionist. The People of the United States continue to be betrayed by their supposed elected leadership in both political parties. The GOP fails to expose the crap for what it actually is ... hoping to capitalize on it to redirect the United States sovereignty ... too, force us to accept a New World Order... GLOBALISM. Neither political party is helpful although the GOP is more favorable in its administration of our government... incrementally dismantling it with the tacit consent of their drones.
Other countries are looking at us and waiting. A civil war would give another nation reason enough to invade the United States for a takeover.......Just sayin
Who do you think would dare to invade the US? We have the strongest military in the world.
We may have the strongest, but we are a divided nation with wolves attacking the sheep daily. Our President is attacked every day and every minute. When a country is in chaos, defending ourselves would have reall problems I think. We have so many traitors inside our borders, they would join with the attackers outside our borders. It would not be good in any situation.
Ever hear of an EMP weapon... what do you think the US will look like without any electricity? How capable would any counter-offensive be without effective communications and intelligence on the enemy's location? You simply have no idea of what you are talking about... the US is definitely open to invasion... Hell Central America has sent a small army of illegal aliens to invade our nation ... without firing a shot.
Wake up and talk to vets who know what is happening within our military and its capabilities... with those who keep track of our enemies capabilities and recent expansion and updating of their militaries.