Lefty reporters have lost their minds. #commonsense https://t.co/5yhOTutDHx
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 25, 2021
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Lefty reporters have lost their minds. #commonsense https://t.co/5yhOTutDHx
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 25, 2021
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TED CRUZ 2022!!!!!
Bravo to Senator Cruz! Stupid $450,000 Fauchi wants you to wear two masks.
This man could be the next GOP presidential candidate, if not at least the V.P. running mate to Trump, or anyone but a Mike Pence Presidential candidacy.
I love this man... I was asked to leave Walmart and I did... forever!
I refuse to weare a face diper! I have seen people stare at me and change their mind about going down a food store ile just because I dont wear a diper. This is nonsence. Wake up America this is about controll to hell with the CDC or Gov Black face of VA where I used to be proud to live!
I don't see why we have to put a mask on.
The mask show only power from a socialist government
Seems to me it is less a dilemna, and more or an opportunity to exemplify reality by not mask virtue-signalling at every viable opportunity in public. I do!
I wouldn't have been that nice.