
  • ONLY MAN can try and Change Right to Wrong and Wrong to Right. and so forth, remember your Family Learning Starts at Home... GOD never Changes and Never Lost a Fight

  • The Constitution is the Letter of the law. The Declaration is the Spirit of the law. ( The LAW of Nature and Nature's clear, one man and one woman. Also clear, M and F, He made them. Chromosomes prove it.

  • Respect for marriage is respect that marriage is between one woman and one man.......period!!!!!! Civil Union is as good as it gets for gays, they shouldn't even be allowed to adopt, they screw up everything they touch!

  • Wrong... robbery murder, fraud, etc are all immoral and unlawful...  Laws have everything to do with establishing social moral order... Where do we get such well-meaning but foolish men?  The Word of God is not the arbitrary judgment of mankind.

  • Hurting people is what satan and his hordes are all about... love and family are not just a relationship between male and female it is a sacrament between man, woman, and GOD.... and what God has ordained let no man put asunder.

  • Criminal law is in fact society's MORAL CODE. At one time our moral code reflected our nation's love of God's laws.  We prospered and grew under such laws until we no longer honored God and like all the nations of the past whose laws failed to honor God's moral  code we  are experiencing serious social and government issues that are destroying our nation's prosperity and security

    Want the good old days back... when one could leave their door unlocked and come back to find everything as they left it... or send your children to public school and not be called in because your child's moral code didn't fit the new pro=npuns for male and female... or refused to accept the liberal ideology indoctrination, replacing educaiton.  If you want this insanity to stop... demand God's Word be taught as the basis for moral living... in our public schools and insist on electing men and women to public office who are PRACTICING AND KNOWLEDGABLE CHRISITIANS>

    • I agree with you but, America has tossed out God and we are under judgement, sadly we deserve it. I feel that America as a nation is done

    • We have such schooling with Catholic schools all over the country. They have the expertise. Let's have Catholics take Christianity back into public schools. They just need to copy their own ways and we are done. We can fix this easily and quickly. We need to start at the local level. We have a few Catholic schools in my area and I am sure they are willing to help. Of course, it would be best if such a push was organized nationwide by Federal legislation.

    • And there we have a call for more "federal legislation"!  No, government should have NOTHING to do with marriage or religion. I agree the word of God and prayer should be reinstalled in our schools, right along with the Pledge of Allegiance, but as for MORE "moral legislating" - - NO!

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