Let the man of war make ready...

Our Nation stands alone as the sun sets upon her planes and the hills bow low... Day is giving way to night and the sight of her forlorn people grows dim in the failing light... yet, there remains a breeze, the hint of liberty is yet in the wind... Will it catch afire, and bring life to the dead and light the hearts of the few... The few with hope in their wings, and the boldness of their forefather's, to raise high the standard of their past glory... once more to cry give me liberty or give me death?

Will the story of her mighty men yet rage in a world of lesser souls... Will the hearts of her youth find new life? Can we sit observing such a forlorn end to such a grand idea... A nation forged out of the wilderness, where every man, woman, and child, equally share in the bounty of its glory. For it is now challenged by the dark and powerful, whose greed and avarice would sell out the Nation and the cause of the people, their hope for a better tomorrow...

Let now the cannons bark and the man of war beat his plowshares into the arms of combat... Assemble now to defend the hope of this generation, against the theft of the unrighteous who would yoke the world to the plows of a new plantation... One, where the slave watches as his neighbor consumes the increase of his toil and the wealthy reap windfall profits without adding value to the markets of the world.

Now comes the pale horse to reap where it has not sown; too, trod asunder the hope of many and run aground the fleet among the Nation's... too, quench the final spark in man's better angels bringing captive the swift to an ill wind. Will ye give way to such a vision? Can our nation suffer such men and remain free? Or, will the captains of our liberty stand too and raise high once more our standards and the Nations flag... That the world may take hope in America's Greatness once again.

By RA Nelson

COL. US Army (ret.)

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  • Few take these words for the gospel they are... fewer yet, understand the crisis our nation faces, it extends well beyond a rigged election and a corrupt government. It is a moral crisis of the soul and our relationship with our creator.   

    The People have refused wise counsel ... they now walk with the condemned and barter with their souls for their daily bread.  Repent and return unto Me, saith, the God of Creation, and I will make ye whole. I will succor thee as My Children and bathe thee in the Oil of Gilead, I will paint the lintels and doorposts of thy house with the Blood of the Lamb... repent and return unto Me, Saith the Lord, and I shall make ye Great Again, among the Nations...

    Those with an ear to hear let them hear what the Spirit of the Lord would say... Let the People awake, and make straight the way of the Lord... Let the People cast off the sinner and restore the righteous as their counsel.  Amen.

  • This nation's ship of state sails in troubled seas... with her helm bare and her sails failing the wind.... will she yet live on too deliver her promise to a dying world?  Soon, sooner than most think we shall know the answer to that question... as the mountains bow low and the plains rise up.... the seas to swallow the errant soul.  Awake now and be made whole... while there is yet light let the world know there is no hope without GOD... and no salvation without confession and repentance.

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