We need to change the way courts are required to use and apply the laws that govern both themselves, government, and us. Doing that will take Constitutional Amendments. We know we can no longer trust our so called representatives in Federal and even some State Governments. Therefore, we must use the means our Founders gave us to hold or return our representatives in check. Article-V is the process we need to use without going through the cesspit that the federal Government has become, so we will have a fighting chance of cleaning it up. Congress and the powers behind and controlling it are terrified we will use it are trying to scare the people off by lying about it opening and changing the original language of the written Constitution, calling an amendment proposal convention a con-con. Amendments do not change the original wording of the Constitution, they are by their nature temporary and only modify how the Constitutional Laws are applied. So, if it doesn't work out, it can always be changed back. Think the repeal of the 18th amendment.
We do, that by changing or eliminating some of the bias the Congress has put in the existing amendments, to benefit only them, their power, and their cronies. the very first thing we need to do on a State level, is to clean up the elections process and remove any and all methods that have or can be used for fraud. We must get these changes in place before the next election if our Republic is to survive.
The next thing we must do before making our State Legislatures petition for a States Called Amendment proposal Convention is to get the process codified in State Law how the Delegates will be elected. What duties and restrictions will govern what those delegates do at the convention. How the ratification process will be implemented. A very general guideline can be seen at;
The problems we are facing with this Reset/Attack by the hidden entities behind the Liberal/NWO/Deep-State are basically the same for both sides. They are the limiting factors even if they don't realize it. Unfortunately the left has fewer of them currently. Both sides refuse to see what actually is, but from different viewpoints and expected results. Regardless of how much actual and empirical evidence is laid out before them, they both revert to habitual beliefs about the human aspects of the situation.
It's not a lack of doing something, it's a lack of admitting what has to be done. Neither side seems to realize the paradigm has shifted, and nothing works or acts like it did before the shift. At this point the actual movers and shakers of the Left are thinking more outside the proverbial, box and are using a multi pronged set of agendas to bring about the results they want. To overcome the left, we must also think outside the box and develop strategies and agendas to defeat the left agendas, regardless of what we believe to be fair play. We need to fight fire with fire IMHO.
We must first gain the courage and insight to see what actually is happening, instead of what we want it to be. We need to get the word out that "Wokeism" is carefully constructed political propaganda designed to prey on our naïve basic beliefs that good always triumphs over evil, we were brought up with. It is designed to use what we were taught to think of as the standard moral actions of society, against us.
How it works, is by turning the positive emotions and moral expressions into the undesirable and making the truly undesirable emotions and moral impressions look like positive ones promotes the "Wokism" model we have been saddled with. Negative affectivity is negative emotions and expression. This includes sadness, disgust, lethargy, fear, and distress. Positive and negative affectivity not only plays a large role in our day-to-day experience and our enjoyment, our affectivity can also influence our opinions, thoughts, performance, abilities, and even our brain activity!
America was built on the principles of Freedom, Truth, Honor, Justice, and Individual Responsibility. We must re-affirm those principles. Chameleon like, our Left Leaning Progressives have clothed themselves in a mantle of legitimacy, respectability, and elected power. The Left leaning media uses everything at their command to poison the minds of our fellow citizens against us and enhance the false flags of the left. For years now the Progressive Machine, through their controlled media, has cast all conservative and Christian morality as violent and threatening. I think the latest attack by the Progressive Machine, labeling military veterans, law enforcement officers, law abiding gun owners, and those with Christian beliefs as terrorists, is being used to goad us into something stupid.
There is a propaganda technique that over stresses the desirability of certain existing society standards/agendas with such glowing terms of saccharine sweetness, that people reject it, but the mainstream authorities can not condemn it as anything treasonous but only over enthusiasm. It also makes the weaker minded turn to the opposite value system of wants and desires and believe it was their idea to do so. basically it tells people that something is so too good to be true, they subconsciously reject it. The medium used, is Iconography. The method used, is negative psychological indices.
The textbook definition of Iconography is; Symbolic Representations, of the conventional meanings attached to images. It is a basic tool of Madison Avenue Advertising products including attitudes, character, codes, conduct, conscience, credos, ethics, faith, ideals, integrity, opinions, policy, probity, rectitude, scruples, sense of duty, sense of honor, systems, teachings, tenets, uprightness, etc.
The definition of negative indices used to enhance or explain a psychological format is best exemplified by the related following terms; indicators, ratios, evidence, basis, symbols, signs, tokens, rules, marks, clues, indications, formulas, models, pointers, guides, symptoms, indicants, significances etc. all of which evoke defined mental images. Those images can and are changed over time into what the left desires for their agendas to be.
Perceptions we were brought up with, can be modified by a judicious blend of subject matter rendered visually, verbally, recorded, or penned, to change the subjects mind on their original conventional beliefs. Doing this in visual arts is called iconology and it creates representations or a group of representations of what the new paradigm expects of the people.
Knowing how the enemy on the Left uses this, we must actively negate their successes and correct all the methods they have used to, bring us to the brink.
We need to change the way courts are required to use and apply the laws that govern the courts, the government, and us. Doing that will take Constitutional Amendments. We know we can no longer trust our so called representatives in Federal and even some State Governments. Therefore, we must use the means our Founders gave us to hold or return our representatives into check. Article-V is the process we need to use without going through the cesspit that the federal Government has become, so we will have a fighting chance of cleaning it up.
We do, that by changing or eliminating some of the bias the Congress has put in the existing amendments, to benefit only them, their power, and their cronies. the very first thing we need to do on a State level, is to clean up the elections process and remove any and all methods that have or can be used for fraud. We must get these changes in place before the next election if our Republic is to survive.