Levin: Blinken Is A Dangerous Traitor

Antony Blinken is not just a Marxist Obama ideologue, but is a traitor to the United States and may be the Alger Hiss of the modern era. Blinken is a special pleader for terrorists in the Middle East and the Islamonazi regime in Iran, who are on the precipice of having nuclear weapons and are putting Americans at risk. He is effectively arming up our enemies with tens of billions of dollars while working with surrounding Arab nations to destroy Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is a modern-day Winston Churchill standing up to Hamas and terror groups funded by Iran, and unfortunately also having to stand up to Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, who are trying to sabotage Israel and prevent them from total victory

A high-level Iranian spy ring was busted in Washington D.C., which ran through the offices of Robert Malley – a boyhood friend of Antony Blinken. Iranian spies were able to infiltrate the Biden State Department under Antony Blinken and shape U.S. policy in order to favor Iran. This would explain why we haven’t properly retaliated to Iran killing American soldiers and why we are giving Iran billions of dollars.

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  • I can state without hesitation, no matter how bad we think it is, right now, I know it is worse than we know!!!

  • Biden's whole administration is complicit!

  • Make that 90% of the current government.

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