Obvious that you haven't listened to nor read the Rumphole gobbelty gook. Rump with a 4th grade lexicon. Couldn't put together a coherent sentence. Demagogue----certainly not inciting to overthrow the Constitution like the Rumphole. He's a traitor. Seditious. Think girl. Analyze. You've been brainwashed just like the German people in the 1930's.
China joe can't hold a train of thought through a complete sentence, so he obviously has a speech writer. When he gets to the point where he can't read the teleprompter, then they cut his mic and shut off the camera and claim it was an "electronic glitch"!
I,m of the opinion that China Joe is nothing but a TOOL used by the powers behind the throne . The first time I recall a canidate for the office of President
saying "We Are Days Away From Fundaimentally Changing America " came from the lier B. Obama . Recently Cryin Chuck Schumer said " First we win George then we change America ." China Joe is President in name only . I believe that China Joe got the approval to run because of his lack of morality. A better man would not involve himself in a Fixed Election like China Joe did .
We The People Have The Power To "Take Back America " in two ways .. BALLOT BOX OR CONVENTION OF THE STATES . Both ways will rid us of those SOBs
Bob Russell > Theodore M. GerrickMarch 16, 2021 at 9:50pm
the ballot box failed We the People in 2020 because they were corrupted by criminals stuffing them, not counting votes for President Trump, changing Trump votes to biden, running biden ballots through multiple times, rigged machines, and other criminal acts that corrupt judges refuse to look at. A COS will be ignored just like the Constitution and We the People are ignored now!!!!!!!!!! The only option is the one they are racing to eliminate and that is not a good option, the bullet box that our founders were forced to resort to but they didn't face the technological disadvantage we do now. Our ONLY REAL HOPE is Divine Intervention through repentance and fervent prayer!!!!!!!!!! I pray every day asking Almighty God to rescue We the People from the Babylonians running the country now, evil, satanic babylonians!!!!!!!!!! If you aren't aware read the Old Testament of the Bible.
Skeptical > Theodore M. GerrickMarch 13, 2021 at 10:51am
Joe Biden is the greatest urgent example for needed local, state, and federal re-alignment to the Constitution, since Barack Obama.
Keep showing America what is wrong with Progressive Socialism, Joe.
I won't watch the mentally deficient, very corrupt, illegitimate usurper illegally occupying the oval office. He is an idiot, a liar, corrupt!!!!!!!!!! I believe Mark Levin, he is a patriot and honest!!!!!!!!!!
Mark Levin is a Patriot and an informed BUT..... he needs to get up to speed about the virus and the vaccine!!!!!!!!! The guy is clueless when it comes to those issues.
I think Mark is only stating the herculean reaction to the perceived pandemic by President Trump, and not Mr. Biden. The whole scam is a boobytrap intended to blow up in the face of a responsible non-medical professional, like Donald Trump. First he was told not to worry about the Wuhan outbreak. Then he was told to panic like a chicken with his head cut off after international travel with time permitted disease spread. Then he was told he should take federal emergency lockdown actions, which he declined as unconstitutional. He issued medical emergency advisories to the states, charging them with the responsibility, by which they then imposed draconian lockdown measure (note that over-reaching executive authority had been legislated in many states, like it was a setup). Then when told he could not rescind his advisories, he declared he could end the emergency. The power drunk governors said that no Trump could not, only they could end it (you see where that has played so far).
Meanwhile, a deceiving advisor lurked in the the midst of it all, feeding the fiasco. His name is.....(well he has a ferret face).
Did you notice the nonchalant two-step Ferret Face did from the Trump Administration to the Biden (Obama) kabal?
In gold rush California, women who repeatedly dumped men who ran out of money, for men flush with fresh gold dust, were galled "Gold Diggers".
I wonder how much money the little fraudster has been paid, leading our leaders into trouble as an expert advisor in "make work" propositions for himself?
Obvious that you haven't listened to nor read the Rumphole gobbelty gook. Rump with a 4th grade lexicon. Couldn't put together a coherent sentence. Demagogue----certainly not inciting to overthrow the Constitution like the Rumphole. He's a traitor. Seditious. Think girl. Analyze. You've been brainwashed just like the German people in the 1930's.
China joe can't hold a train of thought through a complete sentence, so he obviously has a speech writer. When he gets to the point where he can't read the teleprompter, then they cut his mic and shut off the camera and claim it was an "electronic glitch"!
I,m of the opinion that China Joe is nothing but a TOOL used by the powers behind the throne . The first time I recall a canidate for the office of President
saying "We Are Days Away From Fundaimentally Changing America " came from the lier B. Obama . Recently Cryin Chuck Schumer said " First we win George then we change America ." China Joe is President in name only . I believe that China Joe got the approval to run because of his lack of morality. A better man would not involve himself in a Fixed Election like China Joe did .
We The People Have The Power To "Take Back America " in two ways .. BALLOT BOX OR CONVENTION OF THE STATES . Both ways will rid us of those SOBs
the ballot box failed We the People in 2020 because they were corrupted by criminals stuffing them, not counting votes for President Trump, changing Trump votes to biden, running biden ballots through multiple times, rigged machines, and other criminal acts that corrupt judges refuse to look at. A COS will be ignored just like the Constitution and We the People are ignored now!!!!!!!!!! The only option is the one they are racing to eliminate and that is not a good option, the bullet box that our founders were forced to resort to but they didn't face the technological disadvantage we do now. Our ONLY REAL HOPE is Divine Intervention through repentance and fervent prayer!!!!!!!!!! I pray every day asking Almighty God to rescue We the People from the Babylonians running the country now, evil, satanic babylonians!!!!!!!!!! If you aren't aware read the Old Testament of the Bible.
Joe Biden is the greatest urgent example for needed local, state, and federal re-alignment to the Constitution, since Barack Obama.
Keep showing America what is wrong with Progressive Socialism, Joe.
GO Xoe GO!
I won't watch the mentally deficient, very corrupt, illegitimate usurper illegally occupying the oval office. He is an idiot, a liar, corrupt!!!!!!!!!! I believe Mark Levin, he is a patriot and honest!!!!!!!!!!
Mark Levin is a Patriot and an informed BUT..... he needs to get up to speed about the virus and the vaccine!!!!!!!!! The guy is clueless when it comes to those issues.
I think Mark is only stating the herculean reaction to the perceived pandemic by President Trump, and not Mr. Biden. The whole scam is a boobytrap intended to blow up in the face of a responsible non-medical professional, like Donald Trump. First he was told not to worry about the Wuhan outbreak. Then he was told to panic like a chicken with his head cut off after international travel with time permitted disease spread. Then he was told he should take federal emergency lockdown actions, which he declined as unconstitutional. He issued medical emergency advisories to the states, charging them with the responsibility, by which they then imposed draconian lockdown measure (note that over-reaching executive authority had been legislated in many states, like it was a setup). Then when told he could not rescind his advisories, he declared he could end the emergency. The power drunk governors said that no Trump could not, only they could end it (you see where that has played so far).
Meanwhile, a deceiving advisor lurked in the the midst of it all, feeding the fiasco. His name is.....(well he has a ferret face).
And ferret face is stll there, unbelievably.
Did you notice the nonchalant two-step Ferret Face did from the Trump Administration to the Biden (Obama) kabal?
In gold rush California, women who repeatedly dumped men who ran out of money, for men flush with fresh gold dust, were galled "Gold Diggers".
I wonder how much money the little fraudster has been paid, leading our leaders into trouble as an expert advisor in "make work" propositions for himself?