Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, and others, etc. got a minority of citizens to forcefully overthrew the governments of their countries by using many underhanded dirty tricks but, especially by taking control of the media. There is a madman leader who is using every one of the techniques those Socialists Tyrannical Ruthless Dictators used to confuse citizens and turn them into his warrior pawns: he controls all the labor unions: teachers, newspapers, Hollywood Actors, Main-Stream-Media personnel in the U.S.A., and controls the funding of Democrat politicians. This leader described on TV in 2007 everything that is taking place these days to destroy the U.S.A. He said no one can stop him. He sat in the White House next to Obama for 8 years inserting Marxists into every branch of the Government. In 2007 Glenn Beck announced who he is, and Michelle Malkin talked on TV shows about him and his outspoken plans many times. Nobody was listening.
Skeptical > John F RemillardApril 28, 2021 at 3:02am
A price was paid.
The two Obama terms detoxed the Nation from a taught collectivized social guilt concerning slavery. So the terms weren't to be touched until their conclusions.
Now, race-baiters have to work furiously to assert racial strife, and even riot to boot, to no avail. It shall not be rekindled. Notice now how folks are openly, unself-consciously critical of any who agitate using race conflict? That did not happen so openly in public before.
Please, get all those of you that have microphones and radio and tv programs to join together, select a date perhaps Memorial Day, and ask those who wish to no longer be the silent and invisible majority, and come out publicly to the nearest city hall. Where arm bands, perhaps black and yellow stripes like bees, and be loud together, loud and demanding, that these folks in government will know we are not in favor of them, and will work to see them unelected.! We NEED YOUR HELP!
Why not Mark? History dictates such inaction as part of the RNC's DNA... these cowards refuse to call for the necessary actions to enforce the law... including and up to secession as we don't have a UNION of consent with the rule of law. The Marxists are ignoring the law and rigging elections... the only response to that sort of open tyranny is secession or civil war as the rule of law requires the force of arms where it is openly flaunted and recklessly abused.
If the Red States are unable to restore legitimate government based on Constitutional and statutory law, and can no longer guarantee legitimate elections... secession is in order. All sovereigns have the inalienable right to consensual government. Under the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution all powers not specifically delegated to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States and the People. Secession is a power that is not prohibited to the states nor is it delegated to the United States. Thus, the Sovereign States each have the Constitutional Power to succeed from the Union as they deem appropriate and beneficial for their security and welfare.b
There is no such thing as a perpetual union in a free society... A perpetual arrangement that becomes non-consensual flies in the face of a sovereign's right to establish and maintain those forms of government they deem appropriate and needful. The very nature of perpetual union implies perpetual consent which is subject to becoming despotic rule. When that happens, sovereign people have the right to cast off such broken governments, forming new governments that fit their needs and purposes ... Human governments are not perpetual.
Mike Smith > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredApril 27, 2021 at 6:11pm
And the democrats being in control of the military will start another civil war like happened in 1860. And make everything communist using some hidden communist army troops.
Skeptical > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredApril 27, 2021 at 6:07pm
No one is calling for an immediate act of secession... we have several other avenues open to redress our grievances... however, it should be noted that the right to leave the Union is an inalienable right... and is not prohibited by the Constitution or delegated to the Federal Government. If a State should desire to take such a drastic action it should do so with open debate and an attempt at Congressional agreement on the terms for such a separation... national debt shared defense assets, armaments, posts, and munitions... etc.
Further, any such undertaking must be done as lawfully as possible... with the consent of the people sought at every juncture to ensure a peaceful and cooperative dissolution should be reached. With the ultimate goal to save the UNION thru earnest negotiation and rational compromise.
Skeptical > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredApril 28, 2021 at 11:14am
The choice is not between seceding or doing nothing... Our Nation stands on the precipice of destruction and the end of Lincoln's hard-won battle to preserve the Union. The Union is not being dissolved by seceding States. It has summarily been replaced by a Marxist Socialist State, the fruit of decades of decay and fraudulent elections. Too, secede now is not to leave the Union, the Union has left America and is looking for its partners to follow.
No, Abe Lincoln would not recognize what he so gallantly defended and died to preserve... The Union of Lincoln has been replaced and The People's Socialist States of America (The USSA) watch as the tattered banner of Lincoln's Union is replaced by the Red banners of Karl Marx. Instead of planning for the next fraudulent election, the patriot would do better to organize constitutional countermeasures and resistance ... up to and including our forefather's ultimate plan of action... seceding from the British Empire (Union). Such is the righteous cause for those seeking to restore Constitutional Government by preserving the Union of Lincoln and Washington... under the flag of a revived Union.
Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, and others, etc. got a minority of citizens to forcefully overthrew the governments of their countries by using many underhanded dirty tricks but, especially by taking control of the media. There is a madman leader who is using every one of the techniques those Socialists Tyrannical Ruthless Dictators used to confuse citizens and turn them into his warrior pawns: he controls all the labor unions: teachers, newspapers, Hollywood Actors, Main-Stream-Media personnel in the U.S.A., and controls the funding of Democrat politicians. This leader described on TV in 2007 everything that is taking place these days to destroy the U.S.A. He said no one can stop him. He sat in the White House next to Obama for 8 years inserting Marxists into every branch of the Government. In 2007 Glenn Beck announced who he is, and Michelle Malkin talked on TV shows about him and his outspoken plans many times. Nobody was listening.
A price was paid.
The two Obama terms detoxed the Nation from a taught collectivized social guilt concerning slavery. So the terms weren't to be touched until their conclusions.
Now, race-baiters have to work furiously to assert racial strife, and even riot to boot, to no avail. It shall not be rekindled. Notice now how folks are openly, unself-consciously critical of any who agitate using race conflict? That did not happen so openly in public before.
We need leadership, Mark!
Please, get all those of you that have microphones and radio and tv programs to join together, select a date perhaps Memorial Day, and ask those who wish to no longer be the silent and invisible majority, and come out publicly to the nearest city hall. Where arm bands, perhaps black and yellow stripes like bees, and be loud together, loud and demanding, that these folks in government will know we are not in favor of them, and will work to see them unelected.! We NEED YOUR HELP!
Blah blah blah
Rally points where are they we need rally points and leadership. Where is it?
Why not Mark? History dictates such inaction as part of the RNC's DNA... these cowards refuse to call for the necessary actions to enforce the law... including and up to secession as we don't have a UNION of consent with the rule of law. The Marxists are ignoring the law and rigging elections... the only response to that sort of open tyranny is secession or civil war as the rule of law requires the force of arms where it is openly flaunted and recklessly abused.
If the Red States are unable to restore legitimate government based on Constitutional and statutory law, and can no longer guarantee legitimate elections... secession is in order. All sovereigns have the inalienable right to consensual government. Under the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution all powers not specifically delegated to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States and the People. Secession is a power that is not prohibited to the states nor is it delegated to the United States. Thus, the Sovereign States each have the Constitutional Power to succeed from the Union as they deem appropriate and beneficial for their security and welfare.b
There is no such thing as a perpetual union in a free society... A perpetual arrangement that becomes non-consensual flies in the face of a sovereign's right to establish and maintain those forms of government they deem appropriate and needful. The very nature of perpetual union implies perpetual consent which is subject to becoming despotic rule. When that happens, sovereign people have the right to cast off such broken governments, forming new governments that fit their needs and purposes ... Human governments are not perpetual.
And the democrats being in control of the military will start another civil war like happened in 1860. And make everything communist using some hidden communist army troops.
I am leaving you be until you relax.
I fear a mischief to be risked on us.
No one is calling for an immediate act of secession... we have several other avenues open to redress our grievances... however, it should be noted that the right to leave the Union is an inalienable right... and is not prohibited by the Constitution or delegated to the Federal Government. If a State should desire to take such a drastic action it should do so with open debate and an attempt at Congressional agreement on the terms for such a separation... national debt shared defense assets, armaments, posts, and munitions... etc.
Further, any such undertaking must be done as lawfully as possible... with the consent of the people sought at every juncture to ensure a peaceful and cooperative dissolution should be reached. With the ultimate goal to save the UNION thru earnest negotiation and rational compromise.
Oh it sounds great.
Abe says NO.
Quite a choice, eh?
The choice is not between seceding or doing nothing... Our Nation stands on the precipice of destruction and the end of Lincoln's hard-won battle to preserve the Union. The Union is not being dissolved by seceding States. It has summarily been replaced by a Marxist Socialist State, the fruit of decades of decay and fraudulent elections. Too, secede now is not to leave the Union, the Union has left America and is looking for its partners to follow.
No, Abe Lincoln would not recognize what he so gallantly defended and died to preserve... The Union of Lincoln has been replaced and The People's Socialist States of America (The USSA) watch as the tattered banner of Lincoln's Union is replaced by the Red banners of Karl Marx. Instead of planning for the next fraudulent election, the patriot would do better to organize constitutional countermeasures and resistance ... up to and including our forefather's ultimate plan of action... seceding from the British Empire (Union). Such is the righteous cause for those seeking to restore Constitutional Government by preserving the Union of Lincoln and Washington... under the flag of a revived Union.
Quite a Choice, eh?