
  • Complete MORON, exactly what the marxist college regimes want put out, a moron too stupid to utter a coherent thought!!!!!!!!!!

  • How stupid can this people be did they went to college to get a degree in stupidity 

  • Bob Seager said it best "working on a mystery without any clues".

  • Pound sand! 

  • What a "Jackass"!

  • Even after this encounter and being politely schooled by the police, this mind numbed robot still can't overcome his programming enough to figure out where he went wrong. He's lucky they didn't arrest him for filing a false police report. He'll likely report the cops as being racist for not backing his clueless play, because he’s black and they, as well as the object of his scorn, are white. It’s obvious that he’s operating on the assumption that everyone on his campus believes exactly what he does. And maybe he’s right! He is typical of what is coming out of our so-called 'Institutions of Higher Learning'... true believing liberal sycophants, brainwashed to the core and unwilling or, more likely, unable to engage in any meaningful discussion or debate that would consider a point of view other than their own. These misguided young adults are just walking boxes of recorded talking points that their leftist professors have poured into their empty heads! They have no intellectual depth or critical thinking skills. They also have no tolerance for anyone who isn't them!

    • LAS, you are exactly correct on every statement!!!!!  Libtards don't have the mental intelligence to think, they are taught WHATW TO THINK NOT how TO THINK AND HAVE no ABILITY TO TAKE IN INFORMATION AND FORMULATE AN INTELLIGENT THOUGHT OR RESPONSE!!!!!!!!!!


    • Wait till this collage educated idiot hit the REAL WORLD ! His boss fires him for being an idiot ! Go ahead sony boy call the cops and see what happens ! 

  • What a worthless snowflake

  • So sad, so fragile and has no clue whatsoever.

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