
  • How in the name of sanity does one continue to run for office when they are unable to function independently? He is currently only marginally capable of engaging in a conversation, with the use of an advanced electronic medical device. He has refused to provide the public with a professional medical evaluation, attesting to his mental and physical ability, to perform the functions of the office of US Senator.

    It is obvious he has serious disqualifying medical issues that should keep him from holding any public office. This man is not physically able to function as a US Senator,  He requires computer assistance to carry on simple conversations... He will not be able to function under the mental and physical stress that is associated with being a US Senator.  Stroke victims are subject to long-term physical and mental disabilities and repeat stroke events.

  • Why worry about enabling fetterman when he's unable to be our representative? 

    • Why worry... How about the Democrat Party believes half-wits, seriously handicapped, and medically compromised individuals are perfect examples of inclusive political leadership... That the lame, sick, and seriously disabled should be trusted with the highest offices in the land... even though we have much better physically, medically, and mentally qualified individuals to do the job.  This sort of reckless inclusiveness is dangerous and detrimental to the nation's, governance, safety, and security.

      Inclusiveness should never be a primary factor in selecting critical political or private sector leadership... it is this kind of thinking that would employee the blind and deaf as air traffic controllers or felons as police officers and bank security.

  • They figured after putting the halwit into the WH......this should be a piece of cake.

    they gave us hard choices, a Muslim or another halfwit?

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