And then forced his Secret Service agents to risk their lives and their families lives by driving the infected president around the block for a self-indulgent parade.
— Joy JUST VOTE & MASK UP!! Reid 😷) (@JoyAnnReid) October 4, 2020
I would hope that if any harm comes to those agents the attorney general of MD will indict Trump for reckless endangerment, assault (yes the virus he gives off count), etc.
— Jennifer 'Vote Early' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 4, 2020
Trump risked the lives of the Secret Service personnel who were in the drive-by SUV with him. Lives risked for a publicity stunt. They will need to quarantine for 14 days, doctors say.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) October 4, 2020
But Yet:This reckless action by @realDonaldTrump puts Secret Service and other personnel at risk for contracting #COVID19 for no good reason. One of the highest risks for transmission is being inside a small, enclosed area with a person who has Covid19.
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) October 4, 2020
see more here: be like
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 4, 2020
1. We have all these anonymous sources, we know what’s up!
2. How dare Trump leave without telling us?!
After President Trump is re-elected in less than a month, the American people want a full investigation, a full accounting of the cdc, nih, who, and any of the other medical agencies that foisted this covid-19 scam and sham to influence our electoral process, to weaken it for the marxist to try and take over America. All the corporations that took part through influence or donations, they are complicit in this violent coup d' etat. America wants to know!
Oh yes, I agree. Hang 'em all high, yet....
How full is this administrations plate? I could write reams and just might rival the Colonel about indignant expectations and justice delayed being ill served. I would fervently believe it all. Attorney General Barr as a legal Elliot Ness, could hire a suite of investigative lawyers under a dedicated group called the "THE DEPLORABLES" (sadly no Robert Stack though), but....
More likely the most damage that can be done to our enemies of the People, is to restore a proper balance and function of the Federal Government. The current state of affairs is not collateral damage, but intended conditions to initiate our Nations collapse.
At the very least, most small fry ought to be passed over to get the most influencial players installed in their fates as seditionist, insurrectionist, and traitor object lessons. But the abolishment of the federal authority to collect personal income is actually more important. The reinstallment of the Senate electoral college is just as important. The Constitutional creation with defined limitations of an Executive Order identity is vital. The wholesale abolishment of every legalized infringement of the Second Amendment individual right has been urgently needed almost from the ratification of the Bill of Rights (the state will always fear an armed citizenry). A clearly defined prohibition of actions by the state involving personal privacy (meaning the abolishment of FISA courts), private property (imminent domain), and a public right to travel needs firmer ground. See what I mean Michael? Where's the time?
But cage or kill the big predators, and the low level slime can be pushed out of government by dedicated Constitutionalists at the heads of nessesary government organs. Otherwise scuttle the organizational deadwood. A "sunset" term limit on all bureaucracies requiring Congressional renewal and Presidential signature could wipe out entrenchment. Or do the World a favor and tear down Wilsons regurgitated League of Nations as an act of kindness to humanity.
These ideas might offer a better yield using precious time and resources. IMHO
I am fairly ticked off that an administration Chief Executive has to play psy-ops with his own administration, the "Press", and the seditious opposition. Within 30 days of a November 3rd election, an incumbent President suddenly sucumbs to a lab altered virus that is fatal to 0.034 % of the population, a pandemic that he was suckered into giving credence to by vested interest advisors. And now the wimp disease has conveniently taken the incumbent off the campaign trail for half of the last month? REALLY?
I really do not need or want soap opera national politics. We have real business to tend to.
In reality, the Nation suffers orchestrated civil unrest and economic peril by insurrectionists with money and influence. Civil rights, freedoms, and liberties in various states are being gang-raped, while small businesses and property owners are dangling from a cliffs edge of financial plummet.
If weeding out the festering globalist/socialist/anarchist infestation is so intractable, then less surgical extraction may be more useful, starting by neutron bombing the Tidal Basin!
Well, my spleen is vented!
What will demonrats do when Trump wins again with a landslide in November? They will probably disintigrate. Then Trump won't have to deal with an obstinate opposition and he can make America even greater than he has made it already. Today he tweeted that he'd give us even more tax cuts. I can't wait! Trump 2020!!!
All we have to do is look at the huge crowds of people outside the hospital, and in many other states, all cheering for Donald Trump and for his speedy recovery!
as far as him leaving the hospital to drive by in a closed car to wave at all those supporters that I've been standing on the sidewalk for hours and hours and hours, what a bunch of crybabies. And did they say that even in the car he was wearing a mask?!
they always find things to whine about. It's time the Republicans in Congress and all over the country Republicans that really appreciate our president just rise up and be loud and shout the Democrats down! We know they are evil but most of the rest of the people in the country do not know they are evil. So spread the word, all of these whining crybabies are evil to the core and they cannot stand it when they're not winning powerful and in charge! We know they are evil but most of the rest of the people in the country do not know they are evil. So spread the word, all of these whining crybabies are evil to the core and they cannot stand it when they're not winning powerful and in charge their goal is to take power of the whole country and control all of us.
when the pilgrims came here they were fleeing a despotic government. And they did well. But now as I told my husband, there's no place left to go. Therefore we have to fight for what we have and get rid of the creeps they don't appreciate what we have! So let's do whatever we can! I do wish that some of our conservative leaders would give us things that we can do. For example, Tucker and Sean Hannity, Rush, Mark Levin, Michael savage, Laura Ingram, and others, and even congressman that are Republicans that are conservative, with Van together and come up with something we can all do before November 3 such as, pick a date like November 25, the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving, or the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, wherever we are in the country to come out to our civic centers carrying Trump signs and carrying signs telling the Democrats to get lost. Due to them what they've been doing to us for decades. They try to silence us they try to force us to think like them. They need to see that we don't want them and we will never vote for them!
I just wonder if this makes sense to anybody else? Because we can't afford to be the silent majority! We have to come out and be visible and then huge large numbers.
It's Been said That the reason Biden could address topics as well as he did in the debate is because he had portions of a speech, sections of a speech, that had been put to memory. People around him helped him to memorize.
that the reason Biden could address topics as well as he did in the debate is because he had portions of a speech, sections of a speech, that had been put to memory. People around him helped him to memorize.
this is why, during the debate, he driolled on and on about things that did not address the question Chris Wallace gave him, and of course Chris Wallace didn't stop him from doing this but let him just wander all over the subject and all over other subjects, so President Trump needs to try to get Biden onto a topic he will not have memorized. Then we will see him really flounder because he will not know what to say‼️
Like Trump said, He was not only debating Biden, but also had to debate Wallace, who constantly interjected himself into the middle of the debate even though he promised in advance that he was not going to do that‼️‼️
what a stupid jerk. I despise them before the debate and despise him even more now and when I see his face or hear his voice on television I am mediately change the channel. I want to have nothing to do with him!
What are you talking about, Jc4you? "Biden could address topics as well as he did in the debate." Trump won the debate hands down. He was well spoken, strong, and presidential. Biden was nowhere near where Trump was and he certainly did not make any sense as he could not address any topics in a coherent way. The debate was a homerun for Trump and confirmed his frontrunner status.
Disgusting deMoncrats