As part of an Anti-Commandeering program, the Senate Republicans could deny the US Senate a QUARUM... to conduct business. There is hardly ever a quarum present on the floor of the US Senate. US Senators are busy elsewhere and demanding a Quorum be Present to conduct business would dramatically slow the Senate to a near stop. The Marxist are attempting to destroy America and the GOP has every right to demand a Quarum be present on the FLOOR OF THE SENATE to conduct any business. 51 US Senators must be present ON THE FLOOR OF THE US SENATE if a single Senator demands a quarum be present on the floor... not in their offices, committees, or other locations in DC.
Below is an extract of the US Senate rules for quorums... The Quorum Requirement and Quorum Calls
The Quorum Requirement and Quorum Calls
"A straight forward reading of the Constitution’s quorum requirement would seem to require a simple majority of Senators, or a minimum of 51 if there are no vacancies in the body, to be present on the floor whenever the Senate conducts business. As any observer of the Senate soon notices, typically only a handful of Senators are present during floor debates. It is unusual for as many as 51 Senators to be present on the floor at the same time unless a roll call vote is in progress.
As a regular practice, however, the Senate presumes that it is complying with the Constitution. Therefore, it presumes that a quorum is always present unless and until the absence of a quorum is suggested or demonstrated:
The Senate operates on the presumption that a quorum is present at all times, under all circumstances, unless the question to the contrary is raised, or the absence of a quorum is officially shown, or until a point of no quorum is made even though a voice vote is taken and announced in the meantime.
Under the Senate’s standing rules, if no other Senator has the floor, any Senator (including a Senator who is presiding) may “suggest the absence of a quorum.” the presiding officer may not respond to this statement by counting the number of Senators actually present unless the Senate is operating under cloture. At all other times, when a Senator suggests the absence of a quorum, the presiding officer responds by directing the Clerk to call the roll." Extracted from the official rules of the Senate.
Of course, a "Senator" is more concerned about "Migrant non-citizens" and not about "U.S. Citizens" Senator Graham, you work for us, yet you seem to follow the "Media" crisis of the day...Mr. Briden is destroying the economic, social, ethical and moral norms or the USA and treating "White" people like terrorists (Discrimination is now justified to cure discrimination) and you are concerned about whom?
And, all of this by Executive fiat or Congress' (YOUR) rubber stamp...Washington, DC is already a "State" with its own customs, rules, laws and agenda, mostly "Foreign" The rulle us like a foreign power just happens to be located within the United States geographical border...
It is SO easy to criticise isn't it! I too have had times when I was upset, perhaps even mad, at Senator Lindsey, but this is not showing more concern for people above concern for U.S. Citizens, this is a genuine concern about what is being done to the US. If you are so full of anger that you can't allow yourself to understand that then you obviously can't see how major this situation is.
And by the way US Citizens doesn't need quotation marks around it - that's what we are: US Citizens. Don't try to look clever by using " " if you can't use it correctly!!!
What Senate?..........Article II, Section 1, Clause 2...........We've been overthrown. Why do I always have to point this out to lawyers?
As part of an Anti-Commandeering program, the Senate Republicans could deny the US Senate a QUARUM... to conduct business. There is hardly ever a quarum present on the floor of the US Senate. US Senators are busy elsewhere and demanding a Quorum be Present to conduct business would dramatically slow the Senate to a near stop. The Marxist are attempting to destroy America and the GOP has every right to demand a Quarum be present on the FLOOR OF THE SENATE to conduct any business. 51 US Senators must be present ON THE FLOOR OF THE US SENATE if a single Senator demands a quarum be present on the floor... not in their offices, committees, or other locations in DC.
Below is an extract of the US Senate rules for quorums... The Quorum Requirement and Quorum Calls
The Quorum Requirement and Quorum Calls
"A straight forward reading of the Constitution’s quorum requirement would seem to require a simple majority of Senators, or a minimum of 51 if there are no vacancies in the body, to be present on the floor whenever the Senate conducts business. As any observer of the Senate soon notices, typically only a handful of Senators are present during floor debates. It is unusual for as many as 51 Senators to be present on the floor at the same time unless a roll call vote is in progress.
As a regular practice, however, the Senate presumes that it is complying with the Constitution. Therefore, it presumes that a quorum is always present unless and until the absence of a quorum is suggested or demonstrated:
The Senate operates on the presumption that a quorum is present at all times, under all circumstances, unless the question to the contrary is raised, or the absence of a quorum is officially shown, or until a point of no quorum is made even though a voice vote is taken and announced in the meantime.
Under the Senate’s standing rules, if no other Senator has the floor, any Senator (including a Senator who is presiding) may “suggest the absence of a quorum.” the presiding officer may not respond to this statement by counting the number of Senators actually present unless the Senate is operating under cloture. At all other times, when a Senator suggests the absence of a quorum, the presiding officer responds by directing the Clerk to call the roll." Extracted from the official rules of the Senate.
For The Entire Rule See: Voting and Quorum Procedures in the Senate (
Of course, a "Senator" is more concerned about "Migrant non-citizens" and not about "U.S. Citizens" Senator Graham, you work for us, yet you seem to follow the "Media" crisis of the day...Mr. Briden is destroying the economic, social, ethical and moral norms or the USA and treating "White" people like terrorists (Discrimination is now justified to cure discrimination) and you are concerned about whom?
And, all of this by Executive fiat or Congress' (YOUR) rubber stamp...Washington, DC is already a "State" with its own customs, rules, laws and agenda, mostly "Foreign" The rulle us like a foreign power just happens to be located within the United States geographical border...
It is SO easy to criticise isn't it! I too have had times when I was upset, perhaps even mad, at Senator Lindsey, but this is not showing more concern for people above concern for U.S. Citizens, this is a genuine concern about what is being done to the US. If you are so full of anger that you can't allow yourself to understand that then you obviously can't see how major this situation is.
And by the way US Citizens doesn't need quotation marks around it - that's what we are: US Citizens. Don't try to look clever by using " " if you can't use it correctly!!!
Put up or shut up, Lindsey.