
Sen. Lisa Murkowski said on Saturday that she intends to vote in favor of confirming President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

The Alaska Republican opposed moving forward with Barrett’s nomination on the grounds that it came too close to an election and that the Republicans set a precedent back in 2016 when it denied President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee a vote because of its proximity to Election Day.

“I have no doubt about her intellect. I have no doubt about Judge Barrett's judicial temperament. I have no doubt about her capability to do the job,” Murkowski said on the Senate floor.

While Murkowski, who is known for her independent streak and centrism, said that she would throw her support behind Barrett, she made it clear that she did not support the Senate GOP’s effort to bring Barrett’s nomination to a vote before the Nov. 3 election.

“While I oppose the process that led us to this point, I do not hold it against her,” the Alaska lawmaker said.

“There will be at least one more procedural vote on Sunday, and I will once again object to advancing the nomination past cloture. Assuming that motion prevails, when we reach a final vote, I will vote to confirm Judge Barrett to serve on the Supreme Court," the senator said in a press release after announcing her intention to vote for Barrett.

Murkowski did not vote for Trump’s controversial Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after his confirmation hearings. She was the only Republican senator not to do so.

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  • POS...needI I say more and Collins is the next one to go down to defeat....even more usless Romney is going along with with Jutices!!!!

  • Sometimes you just have to beat it out of some RINOS!  Good one more vote for us as she has been a rag queen for years...may be it so cold in Alaska that she has a brain freeze.....


    We need to bombard her on Twitter to get with the program.

    She wont be re elected.   COLLINS? from Maine?

  • Murkowski appears to be a wolf in sheep's clothing! Alaskans should wake up and replace her with a true conservative!

  • Why don't those Alaskins vote this bitch out of office? They had a great candidate and then wrote this in. Geeez!

    • Well Colliins from ME (Maine) is just as bad. ANOTHER RINO! and she is up for Re Election....

  • I wonder what they had to give her to get that level of agreement?

    • Support for her re-election...

      To start...

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