Dick is a LIAR. Don't be a Dick. REAL conservatives don't vote for communists.
Dick is a LIAR. Don't be a Dick. REAL conservatives don't vote for communists.
Dick is a LIAR. Don't be a Dick. REAL conservatives don't vote for communists.
Nancy Pelosi's Power Documentary
Please read all of the accompanying narrative BELOW the video.
It is a brief outline of Pelosi's subversive activities to overthrow our Republic and the United States Constitution.
Think about what the evidence in this
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These masters of deception parade their wares before the world… deceiving and being deceived these lost souls wage war on the very sustenance of humanity… with a profundity of wares, these wizards of betrayal lay
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Read more…Our electoral system is broken... the government is incapable of guaranteeing honest elections. Open challenges to our Republic and the Constitution go UNANSWERED by those responsible for enforcing the laws of the United States. The RULE OF LAW no l
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