
  • She lost her bid for office and will be out on January 20th time for us to move on.

  • Wonder when dizzy lizzy will wake up and realize it''s ALL going to come back to bite her??

  • mccarthy won't kick cheney out of the caucus because she is doing openly exactly what he is doing behind the scenes!!!!!  She takes the heat while doing exactly what he wants her to do, sabotage conservatives while allowing him to hide like the cowardly TRAITOR he is!!!!!!!!!!

  • Why do I keep hearing this washed-up politicians name mentioned as if she had ANYTHING useful to spew!

  • Tha Witch needs to hop on her broom and go fly over the moon and get lost

  • Liz Cheney is a socialist and should join their party she just don't want to accept that We the People don't want her 

  • Who cares what this rino does? Most of the GOP and certainly most real American patriots support Trump no matter what. She won't stand a chance against the kind of loyalty, dedication, and resolve we the people have. Next!!!

    • Paul, most of the gop hates and fears President Trump!!!!!  There are only a very few who support what he has tried to do, drain the swamp!!!!!  mcconnell, mccarthy, and their minions are corrupt, anti-American, power and wealth hungry pukes on the payroll of Nazi war criminal george soros and his cabal of globalist billionaires loyal to satan!!!!!  Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Greene are some, and there are a few more, who are patriots dedicated to liberty for We the People but the vast majority of the gop is corrupt!!!!!!!!!!


  • She will 'work against Repuclicans'?  What does she think she has been doing all this time?  One would think the Leftist Democrat Communist Party would start thinning the ranks of stupid, psychopatic women who identify with them.   

  • She just can't get past stupid.  I never have liked that broad.

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