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  • I lost a dear friend who was fighting cancer for the 3rd time. One jxx and she was gone in a few months.

    This was a patented and planned bioweapon meant to kill millions, to institute govco control over all of us, and to facilitate the dismantling of freedom and all liberties.

    It affected and facilitated the theft of private property and the destruction of the engine of our success, small business, to be replaced by corporate business, to be merged with govco.

    It was meant to be the consolidation over media.
    It was meant to literally multiply the ongoing profits to the mountain of witchcraft, pharma, through medical necessities of intervention due to worse diseases and disorders. {harmacopeia MEANS witchcraft in Gk.} 0care was the setup as docs were forced into hospital umbrellas or lose all priviledges. There are now medical facilities on every block, where I live, All New. Cancer is a highly profitable business, which is why Apricot trees are outlawed in the US, as apricot seeds cure cancer. So do other natural means. A personal example from friend of my sister, they were ordering Laitrile from Mexico. The feds seized it through the Post Office. If they can keep all of us on corporate farmed injected, hormoned cattle, pork and chix, add some chemicals, bad sugars, 5 syllable this or that, then they gotcha. People who think getting sick is normal need to think again. Why do some countried in Europe not allow American food?

    It was meant to demolish education even more than what has already happened.

    It was meant also to turn us to online shopping, so we have to log in everywhere we go. It installed MAC id's into and under our skin. Couple that with more and more 5G towers, and then they have succeeded in being able to turn someone "off" one way or another. Couple that with the outgrowth of AI to facilitate their rule andn power over who lives and who dies. And generally, to turn person against person and to grow fear and distrust. Separate and divide. Divide and conquer. It works.

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