It was really revealing to me what Dick Cheney said to the missile operator as he informed Cheney of the cruise missile's distance from the Pentagon. At the 10-mile point, the operator asked Cheney if his ordered remained. Cheney responded, "Have you heard anything different?"
Many of you may not know of Cheney's central role in the demolition of the WTC and hit on the Pentagon. But I have a lot of evidence that it was a controlled demolition. Videos showing how Building 7 collapsed, falling perfectly downward at the speed of gravitic acceleration. Pictures of a Big hole in the middle of Building 6 from the roof to the basement. Pictures of the gouge in the Pennsylvania landscape from 2001 being the same as pictures form 1986. Pictures of the moment that the cruise missile hit the Pentagon causing a 16-foot hole in the Pentagon (no extra holes for the engines or wings). Of course it did ....... that's exactly the size of hole a cruise missile always makes in a concrete building.
But now of course, you know. You know that there are White Hats and Black Hats even in our Military. Guess what ....... there were Black Hats in our Military back in 2001 working with Dick Cheney. May he hang in delicious agony for 10,000 years, then be thrown into the Fire of the Second Death.
First, the entire report above is BS... where is the missile tech and why hasn't he been jailed...
Next, I viewed the wreckage taken from the Pentagon and it bore not resemble that of any cruise missile I know exists.
Cruise Missiles do not have a fuselage of a Commercial Airliner, nor do cruise missiles come supplied with human body parts, passenger seats, and luggage. They are not powered. by Commercial Turbine Engines.
Some people never learn… stop drinking the conspiracy cool aide ….
There is a video attached to the Fox article of the airliner, a cruise missile did not hit the Pentagon and Bush’s reading to children was not a covert signal to attack… Cheney was not informed of any cruise missile… aimed at the Pentagon... And the Land of Oz doesn’t exist. Little green men from Mars are not running the nation… albiet they would probably do a better job.
Pentagon Releases Video of Plane Hitting Building on 9/11
Conspiracy theorists may or may not be disappointed Tuesday when they see Pentagon-released footage from two angles showing American Flight 77 hittin…
Mike Smith > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredAugust 27, 2022 at 7:48pm
The thing about what you said Ron is you being a retired Colonal would know about weapons like the cruise missle and what it can do. I had a friend in the Navy who was in ordinance on an aircraft carrier Dwight D Eisenhower (cvn69 who use to work on and with missles our jets use. Unfortunally he died over a year ago with cancer, and I would of loved to asked him about the cruise missle theory on the Penagon. He also told me part of his weapons training was in Fort Braggs too. I was also in during the mid70's on the Enterprise cvn65 before it was scrapped.
As you can tell, "many of you may not know" includes a lot of people on this site. Thank you for sharing this important reminder about the events on 9/11. And there is a lot more to it than this.......
The events of 9/11 were real... the only conspiracy involving the government was the cover-up of the incompetence of our intelligence services and the FBI.
The government's failure to identify and stop the attack was the product of gross negligence and incompetence... The Government had sufficient information, if acted upon properly, would have removed the threat from our Country... The CIA and FBI were grossly inept and worked very hard to cover up their gross negligence.
I witnessed the Twin Towers hit and collapse… I also saw the damage done to the Pentagon... the incidents were both real and devastating ... not the product of some complex conspiracy.
JC Lincoln > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredAugust 26, 2022 at 7:48am
Sorry, Colonel, but we're not getting distracted any more. George W. and Dick Cheney (appropriately named by God) planned 9/11 to create another Viet Nam so as to create an excuse to enter the Middle East. After all "We're an Empire now" does not allow for some punk dictator like Hussein to control so much oil. Huh!, especially without a Central Bank. Who the Hell does he think he is! Perhaps you're too close to the "inside" information .. and you're believing what the warhawk side of the Pentagon needs everyone to believe. But you check Pennsylvania and the geography looked eactly the same back in '86 as it did after the "whatever" hit it. And find the satellite footage that shows the cruise missile approaching and hitting the Pentagon, that was leaked by some Military underling with a conscience. Then look at the "White" Command plane circling the Twin Towers to make sure everything was going like clockwork. If you would please, however, I still can't find that phantom plane that hit and destroyed Building 7 right into its own footprint at the speed of a free-falling object, the heck with all those steel girders. BTW, I spoke to a pilot that had even flown one of the planes claimed to have hit one of the towers and asked him why couldn't a plane have hit it? He told me, "Because at the altitude it was coming in at, at 460 mph, the wings would have been ripped off .... that's why planes come in more like at 160 mph when they're landing. Hmm, made good sense to me. Osama was a patsy ... much like Oswald. Would have liked to interrogate him but the sharks got to him first ..... the human sharks.
9/11 Are you interested in finding EVIDENCE or is your mind already made up?
Here are a couple of videos that YouTube hasn’t taken down yet. Both are quite compelling. (Architects & Engineers) 14:59 (Stand for the Truth) 31:32
This site also has a mountain of factual evidence:
The University of Alaska Fairbanks study on the collapse of building 7 is available at this site:
This site poses many questions about that 9/11 have never been answered in over twenty years:
It was really revealing to me what Dick Cheney said to the missile operator as he informed Cheney of the cruise missile's distance from the Pentagon. At the 10-mile point, the operator asked Cheney if his ordered remained. Cheney responded, "Have you heard anything different?"
Many of you may not know of Cheney's central role in the demolition of the WTC and hit on the Pentagon. But I have a lot of evidence that it was a controlled demolition. Videos showing how Building 7 collapsed, falling perfectly downward at the speed of gravitic acceleration. Pictures of a Big hole in the middle of Building 6 from the roof to the basement. Pictures of the gouge in the Pennsylvania landscape from 2001 being the same as pictures form 1986. Pictures of the moment that the cruise missile hit the Pentagon causing a 16-foot hole in the Pentagon (no extra holes for the engines or wings). Of course it did ....... that's exactly the size of hole a cruise missile always makes in a concrete building.
But now of course, you know. You know that there are White Hats and Black Hats even in our Military. Guess what ....... there were Black Hats in our Military back in 2001 working with Dick Cheney. May he hang in delicious agony for 10,000 years, then be thrown into the Fire of the Second Death.
First, the entire report above is BS... where is the missile tech and why hasn't he been jailed...
Next, I viewed the wreckage taken from the Pentagon and it bore not resemble that of any cruise missile I know exists.
Cruise Missiles do not have a fuselage of a Commercial Airliner, nor do cruise missiles come supplied with human body parts, passenger seats, and luggage. They are not powered. by Commercial Turbine Engines.
Some people never learn… stop drinking the conspiracy cool aide ….
See:.Pentagon Releases Video of Plane Hitting Building on 9/11 | Fox News
There is a video attached to the Fox article of the airliner, a cruise missile did not hit the Pentagon and Bush’s reading to children was not a covert signal to attack… Cheney was not informed of any cruise missile… aimed at the Pentagon... And the Land of Oz doesn’t exist. Little green men from Mars are not running the nation… albiet they would probably do a better job.
The thing about what you said Ron is you being a retired Colonal would know about weapons like the cruise missle and what it can do. I had a friend in the Navy who was in ordinance on an aircraft carrier Dwight D Eisenhower (cvn69 who use to work on and with missles our jets use. Unfortunally he died over a year ago with cancer, and I would of loved to asked him about the cruise missle theory on the Penagon. He also told me part of his weapons training was in Fort Braggs too. I was also in during the mid70's on the Enterprise cvn65 before it was scrapped.
As you can tell, "many of you may not know" includes a lot of people on this site. Thank you for sharing this important reminder about the events on 9/11. And there is a lot more to it than this.......
Are we to assume you are talking about 9/11?
The first step in removing the “Patriot Act” is to expose the HOAX perpetrated on the American people on 9-11-2001.
The amount of evidence contradicting the “Official Government Account” of the attack on the twin towers is overwhelming.
The so-called “Conspiracy Theories” concerning 911 have far more merit than the government’s load of pure BULLSHIT.
The primary purpose for the events of 911 was to arouse public sentiment for the passage of the “Patriot Act”.
The corruption in the government is deep, and has been that way since (probably before) Kennedy was murdered.
The events of 9/11 were real... the only conspiracy involving the government was the cover-up of the incompetence of our intelligence services and the FBI.
The government's failure to identify and stop the attack was the product of gross negligence and incompetence... The Government had sufficient information, if acted upon properly, would have removed the threat from our Country... The CIA and FBI were grossly inept and worked very hard to cover up their gross negligence.
I witnessed the Twin Towers hit and collapse… I also saw the damage done to the Pentagon... the incidents were both real and devastating ... not the product of some complex conspiracy.
Sorry, Colonel, but we're not getting distracted any more. George W. and Dick Cheney (appropriately named by God) planned 9/11 to create another Viet Nam so as to create an excuse to enter the Middle East. After all "We're an Empire now" does not allow for some punk dictator like Hussein to control so much oil. Huh!, especially without a Central Bank. Who the Hell does he think he is! Perhaps you're too close to the "inside" information .. and you're believing what the warhawk side of the Pentagon needs everyone to believe. But you check Pennsylvania and the geography looked eactly the same back in '86 as it did after the "whatever" hit it. And find the satellite footage that shows the cruise missile approaching and hitting the Pentagon, that was leaked by some Military underling with a conscience. Then look at the "White" Command plane circling the Twin Towers to make sure everything was going like clockwork. If you would please, however, I still can't find that phantom plane that hit and destroyed Building 7 right into its own footprint at the speed of a free-falling object, the heck with all those steel girders. BTW, I spoke to a pilot that had even flown one of the planes claimed to have hit one of the towers and asked him why couldn't a plane have hit it? He told me, "Because at the altitude it was coming in at, at 460 mph, the wings would have been ripped off .... that's why planes come in more like at 160 mph when they're landing. Hmm, made good sense to me. Osama was a patsy ... much like Oswald. Would have liked to interrogate him but the sharks got to him first ..... the human sharks.