@LouDobbs and Stephen Miller clash on @realDonaldTrump's fight to overturn results. @dcexaminer pic.twitter.com/qjJ2oR0vEU
— DeplorableArmyBrat (@yogagenie) December 8, 2020
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@LouDobbs and Stephen Miller clash on @realDonaldTrump's fight to overturn results. @dcexaminer pic.twitter.com/qjJ2oR0vEU
— DeplorableArmyBrat (@yogagenie) December 8, 2020
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Lou Dobbbs is so right! Where are they???
where is DOJ, FBI, CIA.?
A republic constitutional government “of, for and by, the people” no longer exists.
Government is its own entity now, accountable to no one but its own cabal.
Every conservative has a duty to combat the lies of the mainstream media and biased press. Could we have done more and better?
Leftist ideology, rioting, burning, looting, open borders, welfare- illegal immigration programs, unborn baby killing, sexual predator/drug/crime encouraging, special interest pandering should be easy to defeat if the conversation is allowed.
We need to do more than just to talk on here, we need to hound our GOP reps until they start fighting back. I am already doing it to mine, but my Republican Senator is a traitor to the President. He is Pat Toomey of Pa. Traitor at Large, I asked him three years ago on how he feels about President Trump, and he did eventually get back to me several weeks ago but it wasn't nice. He is not even in his office answering his phone like he should. I am at my end witts on what to do to get them to even help President Trump. It looked like when Trump said about the swamp it pissed a lot of RINOS off and they didn't want him in office after that.
Toomey is a traitor Always was
I hate to be a downer, but, I can tell you this does not always work. I write Portman often, and while I always get a nicely detailed response, he never addresses the specific issue that I wrote about. My demo Senator replies with a short nothingburger. And Mr Nice Guy Portman ranks a big 20% in the JBS Freedom Index, which measures constitutional adherence in how they vote. Although he was around 40% before CoVid. They all went down this year due to CoV stimulus and USMCA, both were unconstitutional.
I write Congressman Turner and over the years I have had not one response at all
It seems when the going gets tough, the institutional GOP is biding its time.
I agree GOP get your ass on the line fight for the country or this nation will be a socialist government.
The GOP is a disgrace... beginning with Sen. McConnel who is an absolute disappointment... The GOP is no more than a Conservative Constitutional Party than the Nazi Party was a democratic party. We have been consistently BETRAYED by the GOP leadership... They are no better than the Marxists in the Democrat Party. Senator McConnel and AG Barr are a joke... both have betrayed the Republic. We need to get rid of the Globalists and Progressives, we need to demand loyalty to the Constitution and our the party's planks... or we need to throw out the offending members who do not... No more urinating on the party base and telling us its just rain.
The GOP base needs to take out the trash, sweep the floors clean, and sanitize the restrooms in their Party... major change must happen if we are to have a Party that responds to its base.
The GOP is cucked. They are done. Traitors just like the Dems.
Its (past) time to clean house.
Firing squads are in order.
Where are the Republicans.... they crossed over the Isle in a signal of bipartisan support for Joe Bidden... it is time to call an executive board meeting for the RNC an too throw out the leadership in the GOP... to strip them of any party affiliation and secure what is left of the Party thru the creation of new bylaws and a National Charter that requires unity and support for our elected officials or those who fail to do so are disciplined and or removed from the Party.