Lunatic Left tries to find Nazi symbol on the CPAC stage

Delusional Memes

The desperate, frivolous plight of progressives doing all they can to associate conservatives with one of the evilest factions in history.

Will progressives ever stop comparing conservatives to Nazis? That’s a question I’ve been asking myself for some time and I wouldn’t be surprised if other conservatives have wondered the same thing. In a sense, progressives and the liberal media seem hopelessly desperate to form some sort of pseudo-link between the Nazis and modern American conservatives. Indeed, it’s been a fruitless, pointless goal of theirs for many years, much to no avail.

To give a relevant example, in a recent Snopes “fact-check” article, it’s argued that the CPAC 2021 logo resembles an odal rune. While the odal rune long predates the Nazis and was originally part of an archaic alphabet, it’s been commonly associated with Nazism and Nazi Germany since the 20th century.

So, does the allegedly sinister CPAC logo resemble an odal rune? Well, no. Not quite.

When I compared the CPAC logo to the rune on a Nazi uniform, the two symbols didn’t even look that similar and you’d have to really stretch the truth or lie to claim that they’re nearly identical. Despite the dissimilarity or very loose similarity, the author of the Snopes article went as far as to claim that the CPAC logo was “eerily” similar to the infamous Nazi symbol, even while calling the allegation “unproven” (not “false”).

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