
  • Hey Shitty, come and tell me that to my face, you bastard, coward, low-life socialist, commie, fag, traitor, that belongs in a jail cell. You are exactly what is wrong with our country today.  How you get elected to any office, ever dog catcher is beyond anyone's power to consider.  Go home, take your Chinese spy girlfriend and leave the country.

  • If anyone has ever deserved to die in prison it’s this piece of excrement named Adam Schiff.....along with many other Demornats and RINOs.

  • That's almost humourous - this clown talking about immorality.  It is one of the things the Progressives are best at (along with dishonesty, cheating, a lack of integrity).

  • Pencil neck, pea brain, pedo, California Clown.

  • Shitty Schiff needs to do the World, USA, Congress, his Family  a huge favor and have his mouth sewn shut.

    • It would be better and faster if he jumped in front of one of Cally's bullet trains, or whatever they call them!

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