
  • Well if Ms Maddow has the ability to ready President Trumps mind, ban MSNBC, NBC and CNN from rallies for awhile.  They cut out, lie and censor...they are a propaganda machine, not the press.

  • If there was truly a cost to your news org for reporting untruths you and cnn would have been out of business LONG AGO!

  • This idiot needs to take a hard look between 'it's legs and discover which sex 'it' consists of? 

  • Maddow AND MSNBC has always been worthless to humanity so their opinons are as worthless as they are....and those who listen to the idiots.

  • When has this woman ever respected President Donald J. Trump? Anyone who hates the USA doesn't respect Trump and anyone who hates Trump doesn't respect the USA. 

    • When has anyone at MSNBC respected anyone who isn't an insane liberal???

  • Well, judging from everything I've heard out of Bragg, I have one question ❓ Where the Beef??  Trump has been investigated and cleared by DOJ No Crime. All Bragg wants to do is Hamstring Trump so he cannot run for reelection.

    • the Soros prostitue he is....and I have to wonder why Soros is still around.


    • I would guess Soros is around yet because he hands out millions to the demonrats & money is the root of all evil


  • Maddow lost credibility as a journalist long ago.  IMO she lost her credentials as a a human being. 

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