Main Stream Media-The Enemy of the People

Trump calls press America's 'biggest enemy.' - Daily Candid News

What is going to ultimately happen with the election? If I knew that I’d be a multiple-time lottery winner living on an island somewhere warm. As I’m sitting in the cold air of Maryland, it’s pretty clear I’m not a soothsayer. But there is one prediction I’m willing to make that I’m pretty confident about: the media truly are the enemy of the people.

Their job, they routinely tell us, is to simply report what is happening in the country and the world. It’s hard to type that line without laughing.

The last four years they have done the activism the Democratic National Committee couldn’t do - wrap liberal BS in a blanket of objectivity.

It doesn't work like it used to, the Internet exists so there are too many different, unobstructed pathways for information to flow through for these leftists to completely prevent the escape of information into the public, but it doesn’t have to work with everyone. It only has to work with just enough.

Whichever way the election turns out, never forget the lies we were told in liberal’s pursuit of power.

Three years of “RUSSIA,” 4 months of “IMPEACH OVER UKRAINE,” and four solid years of nitpicking, false stories, and insisting the President and Republicans are liars hellbent on trying to kill people. To the casual news consumer, there is no way for that to not have some kind of impact.

Worse than the obvious “opinion-lies” spun as indifferent observations and truth, there was a more nefarious attempt at manipulation from our “4th estate.”

Polling, they say, is an inexact science. But it’s no more of a science than having a strategy for bingo is a retirement plan.

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