
  • Whites can easily make the case for reparations by saying these facts:

    The first slave ship was owned, run and ruled by an African man, who sold his own. oops

    Yes, whites participated in slavery, but,'... redeemed themselves through the following...

    Approximately 600,000 mostly white men fought and died to free the slaves. 

    So, they started it. We ended it. We need reparations for the generations of families of those 600,000 mostly white men. Should be a nice, tidy sum of money for each family. Millions.

    Oh?!!, they don't like being blamed for something they didn't do??? Education is a ****, isn't it. 

    Can't you just hear it?

  • Banish this POS to a uninhabited island so he will never have human contact again!

  • If ever there was a  case for sedition and incitement of violence... this is it.  Where are the FBI and local police, Oh, that's right they are running down grandma for peacefully demonstrating in DC and your neighbor for legally possessing firearms.

  • Hey you vile creep if we were going to kill all of you it would have been done already!!!

  • Kamau Kambon should go directly to Africa where he would never again have to see white people.  That is where the animal belongs.  In the jungle.  His words are meant to incite violence against white people.  That is a crime.  Kamau Kambon should study the history of post WWII Germany where those involved in genicide at the concentration camps were tried for their crimes and hung for their crimes.  Guys like this jerk surely make it easier to resent radical black people.  In any attempt led by Kamau Kambon to exterminate white people, Kamau Kambon would be one of the first radical blacks to regret that notion. 

    • These type of people hate but they don't know why. They make up reasons, they make up stories, they make up history, but in reality, he does need to go back to Africa and confront the ancestors of those who captured his ancestors, put them into chains and sold them on the sores of Africa to anyone from anywhere....for great profit! These idiots need to learn those were different times, slavery was all over the world. I'd like to know where the likes of him would be if it were not for slavery that brought them to the country where blacks are treated better than in any other on earth.
      Black would be much better off to be thankful for their luck, or they would be starving in a hell hole in Africa, threatened by a warlord who today is doing to his own people worst than was done to most slaves. enough of this pity party, and claiming to be victims. They need to pull up their pants, stop speaking like negros, get a job, get an education, get married, go to church, and learn to control the youth, keep them from prison.

    • You are so correct... those seeing and hearing this individual as he calls for murdering whie men and women WITHOUT any criminal penalty eventually believe they can also get away with it... and some will actually follow up on his incitement.   THis man needs to be in prison... not on social media. 

    • I couldn't agree more.. This kind of attitude against the white race is unacceptable and provocative to stir action against whites.. You are so correct,he belongs in Prison or sent back to Africa where he can be amonst his own........

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