There is no way Biden even has the smarts to be running the country & Harris not smart enough to have any idea at all what is going on.She is too busy laughing at things & has NOOO idea at all what to do so she laughs & makes a fool of herself. It is Obama & his henchmen that are in total control of the country & they plan to finish what he started but first they have to destroy anything good done by Trump. We have to turn this country back to God & pray the people see this
MTG is correct, but the reason that Biden is so extraordinarily dangerous is because his administration is nothing less than a surreptitious return of the Obama administration and a continuation of its Marxist socialist, big government agenda. The 2020 election irregularities are beyond question, all that remains is to investigate, document and disseminate the proof, which can only be properly accomplished by the States and the people wherein constitutional election authority resides. And if the people do not demand that their State Legislatures assert and take back our constitutional authority for self-governance then the federal tyranny is likely to continue and get even worse. A Convention of States appears to be the only way to unite our country behind the Constitution again, and the States must bypass the corrupt and compromised US Congress if we are to save our constitutional republic from becoming another Venezuela.
Biden and his ilk will turn this country into another Venezuela economy if the 2022 election is stolen like in 2020. If so, then this will be on us. Every county in America should contact their state reps to ensure of election integrity. We need more representation like Marjorie Taylor Greene. God bless her.
Biden is sick -needs to turn in his pass & keys
We should defund the FBI we know they are the Democrats law enforcement and now FBI- For Biden Instructions.
There is no way Biden even has the smarts to be running the country & Harris not smart enough to have any idea at all what is going on.She is too busy laughing at things & has NOOO idea at all what to do so she laughs & makes a fool of herself. It is Obama & his henchmen that are in total control of the country & they plan to finish what he started but first they have to destroy anything good done by Trump. We have to turn this country back to God & pray the people see this
MTG is correct, but the reason that Biden is so extraordinarily dangerous is because his administration is nothing less than a surreptitious return of the Obama administration and a continuation of its Marxist socialist, big government agenda. The 2020 election irregularities are beyond question, all that remains is to investigate, document and disseminate the proof, which can only be properly accomplished by the States and the people wherein constitutional election authority resides. And if the people do not demand that their State Legislatures assert and take back our constitutional authority for self-governance then the federal tyranny is likely to continue and get even worse. A Convention of States appears to be the only way to unite our country behind the Constitution again, and the States must bypass the corrupt and compromised US Congress if we are to save our constitutional republic from becoming another Venezuela.
Hear the Word! We cannot wait until 2022! God knows this‼️
our nation MUST be turned back to Him right away, before it is too late!
Biden and his ilk will turn this country into another Venezuela economy if the 2022 election is stolen like in 2020. If so, then this will be on us. Every county in America should contact their state reps to ensure of election integrity. We need more representation like Marjorie Taylor Greene. God bless her.