
  • YES SHE has the guts.  i would be w2illing to DONATE for a BODY GUARD GROUP FOR HER.  The rest of our donations have been all BLAA BLAA B.S. STALLING AND LIES

  • We shall see if Republicans have any backbone when they return from their summer break, The only way they will ever get to the truth is to impeach BIDEN he then will have to furnish his records,and answer questions he has been dodging. Its time for Republicans in Congress put on the gloves and stop playing games, We the people have evey right and expectation to find out if our president is corrupt and its plain the evidence is not on JOE BIDENS side. 

  • I agree with you Admin DeFord. Greene should move forward with the impeachment on the facts of the clearly impeachable offenses alone and she should vote against the spending bill on the lack of merits of the bill alone as well. Is she also selling out? Who is left? President Trump alone and only President Trump? 

  • YES RIK she sure does.

  • Yep, and the deep state operatives are already trying to find everything and anything that can be used against her. This lady has more cohones than most of the limp-wristed men in Congress.

  • A government with BIDEN-ARXISTS is like a B.L.T. with SKUNK CABBAGE

  • Good for her

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