Great act... Why wasn't this sort of legislation introduced under the Trump Administration... when the GOP had both Houses under their control and Trump as President? Makes one think.
Frankly, I am pissed that such acts are submitted when they are DOA... dead on arrival. This window dressing and political theater only enrage me, when I think that this act could have been passed into law under the Trump Administration. Submitting it now to line some trashcan under the Biden/Pelosi/Schumer government is nothing but showboating.
I am tired of such pandering by GOP operatives who want to look good while they know their Bill will go nowhere.... that it may not even be assigned to a committee for consideration by Pelosi. This Act is nothing more than pandering ... to make it appear something is being done. We need action at the State Level... as Congress and the Biden administration is a lost cause.
Maybe the bill can be reworded and used by States to create anti-commandeering bills and nullification statutes at the State level. it certainly isn't going to see daylight in this Congress.
Great act... Why wasn't this sort of legislation introduced under the Trump Administration... when the GOP had both Houses under their control and Trump as President? Makes one think.
Frankly, I am pissed that such acts are submitted when they are DOA... dead on arrival. This window dressing and political theater only enrage me, when I think that this act could have been passed into law under the Trump Administration. Submitting it now to line some trashcan under the Biden/Pelosi/Schumer government is nothing but showboating.
I am tired of such pandering by GOP operatives who want to look good while they know their Bill will go nowhere.... that it may not even be assigned to a committee for consideration by Pelosi. This Act is nothing more than pandering ... to make it appear something is being done. We need action at the State Level... as Congress and the Biden administration is a lost cause.
Maybe the bill can be reworded and used by States to create anti-commandeering bills and nullification statutes at the State level. it certainly isn't going to see daylight in this Congress.