Joe Biden — The Patriot Post

On Wednesday, Fox News host Mark Levin sounded off on Facebook regarding Tuesday’s presidential debate, pointing out that former Vice President Joe Biden assayed using the same gestures against President Trump that he used against 2012 GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan, but Trump “would have none of it.”

Levin recalled the vice-presidential debate between Biden and Ryan, in which Ryan ignored Biden’s histrionics and eschewed harshly attacking him, writing, “Biden pulled the same stunts on the president as he pulled on Paul Ryan eight years earlier, but Trump would have none of it. Biden was making faces, rolling his eyes, interrupting the president with laughs and jabs, and was long-winded, which the moderator allowed to a ridiculous level.”


Levin opined that fellow Fox News host and debate moderator Chris Wallace permitted Biden “much longer opportunities uninterrupted by the moderator to speak, which Biden used to hurl one nasty lie after another.” He added that Trump wouldn’t stand for that, as he “is a counter-puncher and often was forced to try to muscle his way in to address Biden’s list of attacks as he wasn’t given opportunities to reply.”

Levin ripped Wallace for exhibiting bias against the president, asserting, “The moderator’s liberal bias was obvious in the nature of many of the questions, as was his dislike of the president when he’d get into arguments with the president over policy while mostly letting Biden get away with whoppers.”

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