The political right needs new strategies “and we ought to steal them from the left," conservative radio host Mark Levin said on “The Mark Levin Show” Tuesday.

Levin discussed leftist policies he deemed anti-American, as well as the faction's move to defund police. He also suggested that the president needs more authority to help counter the ideals of the left in the cities it runs. 

“As it is now, the president has to ask the mayor, ‘you need help?’” Levin said. “‘No, I’m doing fine destroying our city. I’m doing fine sitting on my fat ass while little kids are being murdered. I’m doing fine, butt out, dictator!’ Right?"

Levin then proposed that cities who are defunding police and not allowing children to go to better schools “should be defunded in every other respect.”

He also said he is sick and tired of “watching the police across this country having to take it in the chin.” Levin went on to say he was “sick and tired” of millionaire athletes and celebrities, the media, and Democrats trashing the conservatives in America. 

“It is time to take it to them,” he said. 

Below is a transcript of this portion of “The Mark Levin Show”:

“If they’re going to destroy our society, if they’re going to destroy our police force, if they’re going to destroy law and order in our courts, if they’re going to destroy our neighborhoods and our families, if they’re going to turn the other cheek while little babies are being shot, if they’re going to embrace Black Lives Matter—a Marxist, anarchist, anti-Semitic, anti-American organization—if they’re going to turn the other cheek when the military wing of the Democrat party, Antifa, is hurting people, destroying businesses, then I think we need to have a little bit of fundamental transformation of our own, ladies and gentlemen. 

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