
  • During the pandemic before the election, the socialist governors from WA, OR, and CA had a secret meeting with governors of AZ and two other states. I believe they were showing them how they steal elections. For example, instead of WA Governor Inslee taking some medical professional with him to the meeting, he took the most socialist person he could - an environmentist head. In WA States elections you can get the results by county. When pot was legalized, the entire state voted against it except the liberal counties where Seattle & Tacoma reside and the pot growing county of Grays Harbor (where I am from).They use inflated numbers in those cities to overrule the entire state.That is why there are so many homeless and druggies on the streets of Seattle - to build the body count to justify the election results.

    If each state delegated electoral votes amoung their counties they could prevent one big city (like LA) from over ruling the entire state during elections.

  • We need to move the money away from Federal control to the states. Each state needs its own "State" Reserve like the Federal Reserve. Then each state's payroll taxes and Federal Income taxes would go there first. The Federal gov't would have to be operating within budget before the states would release funding to the Federal gov't. No more Federal gov't threatening to withhold Medicaid funding from hospitals, or other monetary threats that were made to state and federal employees like what was done mandating vaccines. The states would control what went to Federal gov't and when.

    Right now the Federal gov't is bleeding our money out to Ukraine which was previously being funded for Hunter Biden's financial gain via contracts during Obama's reign. Please watch the Late Night clip where VP Joe Biden is bragging about forcing the Ukraine gov't to use Hunter Biden or he will withhold US funding.

    Control the money, control the Federal Gov't which is currently spending our hard earned money as fast as it can. The IRS is poised to make us business owners as broke as possible with the added 87k IRS agents. Lest you forget, they have been used in the past to target conservatives.

  • >in order to curb the democommies, I fear we will need to water that wilting Tree of Liberty with oceans of blood, of both Patriots and tyrants. It would not be the first time we have done so.

  • What make you think that the lefists, now at the height of their dominance, would follow the decisions of a Convention Of States (COS) any more than they follow the Constitution itself or any of the laws already in place that they don't like? They are lawless traitors that neither respect nor recognize any controls over their unbridled power. I think the rulings of a COS would be ignored by them and they would continue with their plans to destroy the country unchecked!

  • Would be great if we can do it

  • If both sides of our Government respected the Constitution, yes! Being the left wants to crap on it changes everything. 

    • People cannot legislate righteousness. It can't be done.

      Enforce the law. Treason is against the law. Enforce the law.  Why do we have a justice system, if not to see that justice is done? Why have a Supreme Court at all, if not to see that the Constitution is obeyed and followed as all elected officials promise to do?

      Fear is what is required. FEAR. Arrest those who flaunt the law, those who hold the Constitution in contempt, those who refuse to protect the country from an invasion of illegals. March them up Pennsylvania avenue in chains on live TV and see if that doesn't put the fear of God in other would be offenders.

      We do not need to amend the Constitution.  We need to enforce it.


    • Who is the "we" you are referring to? The enforcers that we, the electorate, chose to enforce the law are the very same people who are breaking the law. When the government becomes so powerful and corrupt that even elections are unreliable, the "we" needed to enforce the Constitution has to be us united, individual citizens, either peacefully ( through elections) or not so peacefully... !

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