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  • If these liberals are that afraid of getting covid then they can just STOP breathing and they won't get sick...


    MASK DON’T WORK!! That was the first and only time Fauci told the truth. As for honesty, you can also write off his buddy Bill Gates, the Democratic Party , CDC and WHO!

       This virus is a disaster allowed by our government and orchestrated by Fauci. Can it kill you without the proper precautions? YES! So can the common flu, even more. Do you notice that people are wearing mask are still getting Covid anyway? CHEAP MASK DON’T WORK!

      The Surgical and the homemade help little to none. The microbe size of the COVID virus is 5. N95 mask will stop microbes to 5, BUT to make that work you must change mask atleast daily or even between individual public episodes. The other masks will stop squat! (SO, as for safety, don’t bother to wear them. Surgical mask say that right on the the box, NOT FOR AIR BORN TRANSMISSION. As for political correctness, you be the judge, but it won’t have anything to do with safety)! All you are doing is sucking in your own carbon dioxide, particles of the mask and making yourself stupider by the hour. BTW, don’t buy the mask with the air filter, they work even worse if that’s possible. As for face shields, if you’re wearing one, where do you think the air comes from when you inhale?? My advice, try to keep a three ft distance, period. GET BACK TO WORK!

       We REALLY need to push fresh air & sunshine. Especially with the elderly! That is what stopped the Spanish Flu dead in its tracks in 1911. Like I said, it’s all political.

       We need temp & blood oxygen checks at every store, work places, transportation hub, etc. ANY temp above 100 degrees and ANY blood oxygen level below 94 need to be tested for COVID, common flu, etc! (Those who test Covid negative, but still have these issues need to be aware and get attention). Those who test positive for the test should be taken to the nearest clinic and started on the needed therapeutics (Hydroxychloroquine quinoline (Plaquenil) and Azithromycin (Zithromax) plus Zinc immediately.  Contrary to what the left say, IT WORKS! If we do this, we can be back to work tomorrow.


    BTW, where did all these pandemics come from?? China!, Who donated to the Wuhan research center? The Democratic Party!


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