
  • He is a liar and a creep

    • All  his  50++ years   as  a  Dem  Senaator...Just  what  Dems are.... all for  sale  --corrupt..

  • Look at her expression as he rants his canned nonsense. Even KJB thinks Sparticus is an ass. lol.

  • Booker is not a racist, he is a dumb ass elected after destroying Baltimore.  He is a BLM doner, supporter, and butt head.  He needs to go.

  • Booker is a racist (as are the majority of the de"mock"rats) therefore we must assume his supporters are racists also.  The same goes for Jackson!

  • America will be... not is the land of the free.  Freedom in the eyes of Booker is not a nation of color-blind individuals, a nation where equal opportunity is promoted. His America is one where racial deference is primary and permanent affirmative action is used to achieve equality of OUTCOME.   In Booker's America Whitiee is evil and must be schooled on their role in society.  America will 'be his America', only if it meets his standards for social justice. 

  • Anyone voting for Jackson is not voting on her merit.  Her record does not elevate her ability to the level of a Supreme Court Justice. 

  • This Enthusiastic Anti-American Gusto Speach by Our New Jersey Dishonorable "Senator" Booker Must Go Down as Pathetic!!!  We The People do Indeed Love OUR TRUE AMERCA, Ethics, Morality and HONESTY!!!  I Truly hope and Pray Booker is the Only One Voting for Jackson's appontment!!!!!


  • Beta male scum 

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