Meet America's Dumbest Politician: Maxine Waters - Live Trading News

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), in an interview published Wednesday, explained why she rejects the term “rioting” in describing violent protests, contending that the word is part of “negative language used far too often in a description of black people by folks who fundamentally don’t see black people the same way they see whites and others.”

Waters spoke to The Cut about her “longtime fight over the language of insurrection and unrest versus rioting” and told the outlet that the unrest in recent days brought her to reflect on “what was going on back in the day, when I was confronting Daryl Gates, starting when the police shot Eula Love, which brought me in contact with the police commission and brought me to taking a look at what was going on with police community relations” years ago.

She spoke in depth about her experience with Gates, Los Angeles’s former police chief, and explained how those events shaped her view of the “negative language” used today.

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  • In any language INSURRECTION and SEDITION... riot and arson, domestic terrorism and violent assault are always CRIMINAL CONDUCT... Oops, I forgot Ms. Waters speaks EBONICS... that could explain her inability to understand the laws of the United States and what constitutes a criminal act against the State.

  • A hardcore Marxist and poverty pimp who is using 1984 lingo to change the meaning of words.

  • "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident, which everyone has decided not to see... You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality..." Ayn Rand.

  • Mad Max The DemocRat Stooge!

  • This Criminal kleptocrat needs her comeuppence. She ain't the only one either!!

  • I guess IF everything said and done is racist , its a win win for these haters of our country. We know they are communist and we know what the plan is. I recall her ordering her people If they find us out anywhere ATTACK Us.

  • Wow! Stupid much?


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